UK Nurse Lucy Letby guilty of murdering seven babies at Chester Hospital to World – 406 points –
Nurse Lucy Letby guilty of murdering seven babies on neonatal unit

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I always wonder, how many single-time murderers are there for every serial killer? Like how many nurses, doctors or other people with an opportunity just took and murdered once. How many people might get away with that?

Every serial killer has his first kill ... but how many people have a first kill and then think ... nah, I'd rather not do that but don't get caught.

It also makes me wonder, if someone kills let's say 10 people, by let's say using lethal gas that remotely releases in all their apartments at the same time.

Does that make them a parallel killer?

What if you killed people, one at a time, all over the universe, travelling from crime scene to crime scene in a space bus? Would you be a universal serial bus killer?

Brilliant. I like that a lot. I'm probably gonna steal that.

Do it.

Just to be clear, I mean "steal" the idea of "parallel killer" as joke. I'm a pirate, I steal IP. I'm not going to murder anyone. FBI you can retreat, confirm retreat.

Oh... haha yeah that's what I meant too. I gave my blessing for you to steal the joke, yeah that's the ticket!

Boys, call in the MPAA, we got a live one

You do mean the The Motion Picture Association, right? I do know them because they fought South Park, but eventually the approved the movie title "bigger, longer and uncut" .... because it wasn't as offensive as the word "Hell". (true story and I seriously think they didn't get it).

Is that the organisation you are threating me with?

Yes siree Bob, and if that don't do the trick, well... Let me introduce you to a little something called the RIAA. Ya toast now!

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This is stupid (not in a you’re a jerk way or anything though). But there is a word for that: “spree killer”

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After Nurse Cullen, I'm sure that it is more than people would be comfortable with.

Honestly? I'd bet there are a lot more who get caught after their first then there are who get away with one and then decide never to do it again. Almost every serial killer I've ever read about has described the urge to kill as something that increases over time, and that is temporarily relieved by killing but comes back faster and harder after each kill. I suppose there's natural selection bias against it, but I've never heard of anyone who killed once and then was satisfied.

Besides, anyone capable of thinking "I'd rather not get caught" after their first kill was capable of thinking that before their first kill too. I'm not saying it's impossible as defined, but by it's nature would be vanishingly rare.

You only read about the ones that get caught though...

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