Trump decision to skip debate fuels GOP anxiety to politics – 241 points –

Former President Trump’s decision to skip the first Republican presidential primary debate is fueling Republican angst that his rivals will have little opportunity to catch up to him in the polls.


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He’s not part of the party and never was. They let him come in and take over. It’s time for them to really up their language and actions against Trump rather than coddling him and his followers out of fear.

That won't happen until long after he's dead. They'll prop him up as their golden calf until he can't speak anymore. Then like a light switch they'll have never supported him in the slightest and he was the evil man that took control of the GOP and made them look bad for 20 years.

Christ I hope Trump doesn't live another 12 years

He has access to better healthcare than 99% of the rest of us. Despite his best efforts I don't think we'll be rid of him anytime soon.

I think he's going to flee America and do some sort of radio / online media message as a deposed dictator president . And continue to grift until he can't.

Unless he has an "attack of conscience" and "commits suicide". Inside a guarded cell. Where he's being watched 24/7.

You know, the usual way.

Edit: honestly, I'm curious about the downvotes. Do people think I'm suggesting this is a thing that should happen? I think this would honestly be the worst possible result. And, call me a pessimist, but that's why I'm afraid of it happening. They'll be able to control him and his cult much better with him dead than alive.

That won't happen as he may turn out to be more dangerous dead than alive.

You can stick him in prison and then people can forget about him but if he dies he becomes a martyr.

Oh, I completely agree he will be far more dangerous dead than alive. Particularly because they won't struggle to control him anymore. I wasn't suggesting it should go that way... More suggesting that I can easily see it happening. On purpose. Specifically so that they can control the narrative.

You can stick him in prison and then people can forget about him but if he dies he becomes a martyr.

There is no scenario where Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump doesn't wind up with the same historical reputation as that of Benedict Arnold. His crimes were arguably bigger than Arnold's crimes.

It might be closer to when he’s no longer a viable candidate. They turned on Bush practically before he was out of office

Convicted Sex Offender Loser Trump will lose to Biden again by an even bigger margin, and then exhaust his criminal appeals, then go to jail for the rest of his life. The every GOP voter will suddenly claim they never really supported Convicted Sex Offender Loser Trump.

Trump is 100% the Republican party of today. Maybe you could say he was an outsider in 2015 having little political experience but he is now the face of the party. He is leading in Iowa by 23 points and in national polls by an average of 37 points. Republicans courted the MAGA base for a long time and now that they have control of the party. The Republican party can no more excise Trump and his base than one could cut out their own heart and remain whole.

Trump is a truer conservative than any Republican before him.

Fantastic video from them as always. Love it when they dive into sources like this, gives very little room for conservatives to lie about the foundation of their ideology.

They didn't let him come in and take over. There were 12 people running for the Republican primary in 2016, and that split the vote so much that Trump was able to get a plurality in most states. If it had been two or three candidates Trump may not have been able to win.