Today GNU/Linux is 32 years old to – 1921 points –

Happy birthday 🎊🎉 GNU/Linux.

Today GNU/Linux is 32 years old.

It was thankfully released to the public on August 25th, 1991 by Linus Torvalds when he was only 21 years old student.

What a lovely journey 🤍


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Well, Linux is 32 years old; GNU goes back to 1984, and Unix all the way back to 1970! The history of this OS is much older than Linus Torvalds's involvement; he "only" created and maintains the most popular kernel.

But yes, happy birthday to Linux. Many thousands have contributed to making this operating system what it is today and they all have my utmost thanks for it.

It is a happy coincidence that the evening before the 1970s began, at 4pm Pacific, they decided to invent UNIX.

How so?

I think it's a joke about how UNIX timestamps work. They count milliseconds from January 1st 1970, 00:00:00 UTC, which is 4pm the day before in PST. So the happy coincidence is that they invented UNIX at the very millisecond when its clock starts.

There, ruined the joke.

Oh right, the UNIX epoch actually starts when UNIX was invented

Somehow, I didn't expect that...

My brain gets numb when I start thinking about all the branches that have come from Unix... and the branches from those branches and so on.

Are you sure unix will be created in the year 3.843063914 E+5636(1970!)

How would anything even survive 3.843063914 E+5636 years after the end of the universe to make unix

They misspoke: Hurd will be usable in year 1970!