Drag shows are protected by 1st Amendment, performers tell federal judge

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 1039 points –
Drag shows are protected by 1st Amendment, performers tell federal judge

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The longer the Americans focus their attention to the culture war, the less likely they pay attention to economic issues.

Or an ongoing, exponentially worsening global climate catastrophe.

Same tactics the Tories are using in the UK now, their deputy chairman has even admitted their record is so poor, the culture war is all they have left.

Shame that it seems to be working...

it seems to be a lot more effective on the right wingers

Both sides demonize each other. Both sides pay the large part of their attention span to the culture war and hate each other for it.

US politics is 2 parties on paper, but in reality, it is a 1 party state with the purpose of dividing the common people by groups so that they are weak against the ruling class.

US politics is multi-party on paper, bipartisan to the public eye, and one party in reality. Don't know why you are downvoted but it is the truth. I've been saying for years that both Democrats and Republicans are the same pieces of shit with the same goals, but they have different methods and as such separate from each other.

Don’t know why you are downvoted but it is the truth.

Most visitors on Lemmy.world are liberals (and by "liberals", I don't mean "democrats", I mean followers of liberalism, supporters of NATO, participators of the culture war). Liberals don't like changing their way. They rather hate the "other side" than revolutions, as you can see in under this comment section (my first comment which mentioned "culture war", lemmy seems unable to link comment), where all the people here rather blame the "Republicans" than self-reflect. Yet miraculously, both sides will unite when it comes to the so-called "authoritarian regimes".

It's not so much about changing ways as it is acknowledgeing that our system is not what it says it is, but you are right though.

Also, most democrats tend to be center right in my experience

Only one party has to pull this shit to drag everyone down. You can't just ignore dehumanization of LGBT people and continue to talk about the economy.

It reminds me a bit of comic book superheroes. The nature of Good means the hero needs to watch out for everyone, and prioritize protecting people and saving lives. If forced to choose between saving a bystander and the crippling the villain, they pick the bystander. On the other hand, Evil doesn't give a shit. Villains aren't usually bothered by morality or collateral, especially if the ends justify the means.

I know it's a cartoonish viewpoint on the topic, but I think it's applicable. We can't ignore persecution of minorities, even when it's very obviously an astroturfed cultural issue. Economic policy changes may help a greater number of people overall, but we can't achieve that at the cost of the bystander in danger.

We need to start hammering them. The media clearly is unwilling or unable to do it. Every time one of those right-wing family value fuckers starts talking about this stuff yell some catchphrase at them like

"How about rent?" "What about the rising debt?" "Why isn't insulin free?".

I am going to start with my local ones.

Don’t forget the infrastructure failures either. You know.. the train derailments, the collapsing bridges, the tens of thousands of people killed on our roads everyday. Point out that the right is waging a culture war at the expense of public safety. This is really fucking dangerous. Good luck as I am not sure much can be done because words have become meaningless.

Big hunk of my workload is for infrastructure. Doing my part every day I stagger into work.

For no reason whatsoever: If you are ever in Toronto ON, drink bottled water only.

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Ding ding ding!

This is the answer right here. Conservative politicians don't give a shit about any of this but as per usual they found het another irrelevant issue that they can use to rile ou their constituents to ensure the sheep folk votes for them and against their own interests.

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