Russian Chipmaker Baikal Goes Bankrupt, Assets Valued at Only $5 Million to – 378 points –
Russian Chipmaker Baikal Goes Bankrupt, Assets Valued at Only $5 Million

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The tech is apparently so outdated that it's next to worthless. What's the $5m for? Funeral arrangements?

Office equipment. Maybe some nice PCs and servers.

Doubt that. It's probably the value of the land and building.

Might as well sell it on storage wars.

Open the office door, let people take a peak, then they essentially gamble as to whether there’s anything of value and bid on it.

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You might can use their equipment for manufacturing legacy products.

The problem is: They don't actually produce anything. They are fabless.

Wait, then what DO they do?

They design the chips and the software needed to work with it. They write the code in a HDL (Hardware Definition Language) and test them in simulation runs, and when everything works, they synthesize the chips' masks from it.

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