FDA approves multiple generics of Vyvanse

azdle@news.idlestate.org to ADHD@lemmy.world – 188 points –
FDA approves multiple generics of ADHD and BED treatment

I count 13 generic manufacturers: search lisdexamfetamine on https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/ob/search_product.cfm


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This a great news. I cant afford vyvanse with no insurance. Maybe i can finally get back on medication. I wonder how long it takes to get on the market now that it's been approved.

I have insurance and Vyvanse was still going to be ~$200+ a month

When I was on my parents insurance, the first 1-2 fills of the year were $11/pill and ~$1.20/pill after that (20mg). Now that I'm on my own insurance, it's $2.50/pill year round.

That means if I take it every day, it's ~$900/year

For daily, it’s $400 USD/month for me for with my insurance at the moment. Not trying to minimize your position, but offering another anecdote how wildly screwed pricing/insurance is. I just hope my insurance accepts the generic 🤞

I was just in the same boat! $400 a month was a real kick in the head. I recently got a new job and the price is down to $25. I happy they have generics now!

$900 a year to become a functional human seems like a killer deal ngl

I spend more than 900 a year on way more stupid shit

Having to spend almost a 1000 dollars just to be functional isn't great, it sucks. Bringing you up to baseline should be free/virtually free imo

And your ideology doesn't even matter, even if you're a hardcore capitalist it's more beneficial to the economy to freely give the support needed to enable people to become productive.

My insurance doesn’t cover it at all unless I hit my deductible. Which is $3k. Making it cost just about $400/month

Jesus, it's insane... I'm in Quebec, my Vyvanse and Escitalopram together cost me less than $40/month w/ 80% coverage, so about $200 if I paid out of pocket...

It's already available. Picked up my daughter's prescription today. Going to have my doctor switch my prescription to generic next week.