FDA approves multiple generics of Vyvanse

azdle@news.idlestate.org to ADHD@lemmy.world – 187 points –
FDA approves multiple generics of ADHD and BED treatment

I count 13 generic manufacturers: search lisdexamfetamine on https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/ob/search_product.cfm


This a great news. I cant afford vyvanse with no insurance. Maybe i can finally get back on medication. I wonder how long it takes to get on the market now that it's been approved.

I have insurance and Vyvanse was still going to be ~$200+ a month

When I was on my parents insurance, the first 1-2 fills of the year were $11/pill and ~$1.20/pill after that (20mg). Now that I'm on my own insurance, it's $2.50/pill year round.

That means if I take it every day, it's ~$900/year

For daily, it’s $400 USD/month for me for with my insurance at the moment. Not trying to minimize your position, but offering another anecdote how wildly screwed pricing/insurance is. I just hope my insurance accepts the generic 🤞

I was just in the same boat! $400 a month was a real kick in the head. I recently got a new job and the price is down to $25. I happy they have generics now!

$900 a year to become a functional human seems like a killer deal ngl

I spend more than 900 a year on way more stupid shit

Having to spend almost a 1000 dollars just to be functional isn't great, it sucks. Bringing you up to baseline should be free/virtually free imo

And your ideology doesn't even matter, even if you're a hardcore capitalist it's more beneficial to the economy to freely give the support needed to enable people to become productive.

My insurance doesn’t cover it at all unless I hit my deductible. Which is $3k. Making it cost just about $400/month

Jesus, it's insane... I'm in Quebec, my Vyvanse and Escitalopram together cost me less than $40/month w/ 80% coverage, so about $200 if I paid out of pocket...

It's already available. Picked up my daughter's prescription today. Going to have my doctor switch my prescription to generic next week.

I hope it comes to market soon. I'm running low and having a hard time finding a refill.

A friend who is a tech at a Costco pharmacy told me yesterday that they are expecting a shipment of the generic to arrive today. While my pharmacy has no ETA on the name brand and does not have access to the generic from their distributors as far as I have been able to surmise.

I know the pharmacy I'm currently trying to get it filled at originally tried to fill the generic but didn't have it. (Obviously this was yesterday) and the issue was they weren't sure if my insurance would pay for name brand... I had to explain that it was okay to bill for name brand.

I haven't been able to find any since mid July. Literally every pharmacy is out. Even the independents. Fucking ridiculous. At least I have an old stash Adderall to keep me semi functional.

Awesome! I know folks who preferred this but had to stop taking it because insurance hates covering medicine that has an alternative that has a generic.

I am one of those people. Been managing this issue for 20 plus years and all the sudden new insurance company has me on trash Adderall which has not ever been a good for for me...but they know best. Hopefully I can get generic Vyvanse.

This is awesome!

For those who are currently taking it and having issues paying for it, Vyvanse offers a coupon for your prescription for $30. https://www.vyvanse.com/coupon

Is this new? When I checked a few months ago, the coupon was more like $30 off, bringing down to like $350

Edit: no, this is the same crap “max savings of $60” on a $400 drug

Ah. Gotcha. I realize how lucky we were that it was only $80/month with insurance. We were the lucky ones who got it down to $30/month with the coupon. I do not remember what insurance we had, and this was years ago as well.

You actually want Takeda Help-At-Hand, their actual discount program. I get mine for $0 now.

Heads up from their website:

Please note that VYVANSE and MYDAYIS will no longer be available through Help at Hand after December 31, 2023. The completed application with all required supporting documentation must be received and approved by October 16, 2023 in order to continue to receive product from the Help at Hand Patient Assistance Program for the remainder of 2023. Please work with your health care provider to determine the appropriate next steps to best address your individual needs. Enrollees with questions should call 1-800-830-9159.

Thanks for adding that, I just got a letter in the mail today about it too. 😞

Is this an ask your doctor situation because I have no idea what this thing does

Is this a good one or something? I need to get evaluated still but hope to get on meds soonish.

I have only heard good things about Vyvanse. But I don't know as many people who have tried it because it's been expensive for many people. I'm hoping these approved generics get to market fast! I've been struggling without my Adderall XR - the shortage finally caught up to me.

I have heard of this shortage, it sounds awful! Did it only affect adderall, or ALL the adhd meds?

Recently the shortage has affected me and my Vyvanse prescription. It has been very anxiety provoking and makes me nervous every time my doctor has to call in a refill.

That’s just… so ironic and messed up :( I’m sorry you have to go through that!

I got prescribed generic Focalin for the first time a couple weeks ago. It took 7 days, 6 different pharmacy calls, and 3 prescription transfers to finally get it filled. My psychiatrist warned me about this when he prescribed it, saying there were nationwide shortages of almost all ADHD drugs.

Going through this monthly is going to suck.

It's good in that it is more consistent during the day due to how it works and is absorbed by the body. For some that Adderall didn't work (or stopped working) Vyvanse was a good alternative, but at a much higher cost.

Not 100% on this source, but it's the only one which I found which described how Vyvance acts and why it's different from Adderall:


Adderall contains amphetamine salts directly while Vyvanse uses lisdexamfetamine as a “prodrug,” which gets converted into an active form in the body before it has any effects. This extra step makes its side effects less pronounced than those taking Adderall.

Adderall is more common as the patent expired in 2009 and it has had generics for over a decade. This has brought the 30-day supply price of Adderall to $10-$40. Meanwhile Vyvanse:


Takeda, for its part, has ratcheted up the cost of ADHD superstar Vyvanse 19 times since its market debut in 2007. A bottle initially cost $341 before rebates and discounts, but after January’s hike, the list price is now an “astounding” $1,172, the patient group said.

I love my Vyvanse. Love it. It’s like how I can hyperfocus under pressure but that’s just life now.

If those could get approved in France.. Great news to start my 1 week of no meds because I ran out and don't have an appointment til next week