Starfield players pirate the DLSS mod after the developer locks it behind paywall to – 779 points –
Starfield players pirate the DLSS mod after the developer locks it behind paywall

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Just to clarify for everyone, only this clown's DLSS 3 mod (3 as in frame generation) is paywalld. His dlss 2 mod (2 as in normal dlss) is free on nexus.

Also to all the mental gymnasts trying to justify this horse shit, remember, the patreon sub is $5/MONTH. This means if you buy 1 month at $5 to download the mod, and the author "conveniently" comes out with an update one month later, you need to subscibe for another $5. So basically it's a fucking subscription for a god damn dlss 3 mod. You know the author is milking this bullshit to keep subscibers and keep his income flowing. Marty mcfly does the same fucking dogshit with his stupid ass RTGI reshade shaders. Fuck that shit. Those people can go get fucked.

I don't feel bad for anyone pushing a subscription model.

Does this type of mod break with updates, or could you potentially just stay on the version you downloaded and forego any updates? I don't mod much to the point where I've paid for any, but curious the requisite of ongoing subscription for this type of thing.

That's a good question. I'm not sure but I'd assume it would break with updates. I was thinking more about just updates the author makes to make the mod better. Likely he'll keep working on making it better but you can bet your booty thay he'll keep making minor updates once a month to milk his subsciber's money. Patreon is a fucking scam.

That McFly guy has been riding the "It'll be released soon™" train for something like five years at this point.

DLSS 3 is way better than 2, so I pirated the shit out of that mod. Frame Generation is a game changer. It's like a magic button that gives you an extra 30-60 FPS for free. Never understood the hate.

DLSS 3 is far worse than DLSS 2 IMO.

There's basically zero disadvantage to turning on DLSS 2. Most of the time you cannot or can barely tell the difference.

DLSS 3 introduces lots of artifacting, some frames straight up look like DALL-E image, it adds input lag, and it needs you to already have a high framerate to start with to make it bearable, text in particular gets mangled by it.

Fast paced games and games that rely on quick reactions are a no-go for DLSS 3. It's suitable for games like MS flight sim where adding input lag doesn't really matter and there's not rapid movement.

Knock it off with the fake news. My TV artifacts more than my 4090 when converting 24Hz films to 60/120. You can't even notice any artifacting in DLSS 3 without taking screenshots and pixel-peeping. Quit talking out of your ass. DLSS 3 FG works amazingly well in Starfield.

If you think you can't see any artifacting with DLSS 3 then you are crazy.

You're arguing about visual fidelity with someone who uses their TV to "convert 24hz movies to 120fps". It's the equivalent of the guy who got into a heated debate over Italian food with a Redditor that also posted about drinking his own piss on /r/piss.

Yes, because comparing apples to oranges is the same thing as drinking your own piss. Get real, my dude.

Do you not understand how analogy works? Nobody is comparing what you did with drinking piss.

Why do people hate on it? I thought ot was pretty clear that it's great. Unfortunately i can't use it since I have a 3080.

It's great if you have a decent framerate to start with, but it really struggles at lower framerates and you'll get a lot of ugly artifacts if there's any rapid movement on screen.

Where would one pirate thie mod?

An alternative mod that does the same thing is on the* Nexus now; you no longer need to pirate anything. Just download that.

Personally I find it hard to care as I won't be playing the game for longer then a month anyhow. That said, real easy to wait for someone else to drop a dlss3 mod or just go without.

Okay but Martys RTGI is great and works in quite alot of games without much tinkering (just need to access depth buffer), don't mind paying for it. Useally sub and let it expire once every few years.

“I don’t mind buying my own painting and then paying monthly for it to have some details filled in that eventually get painted over anyway at some rate”

Is it morally wrong to have someone spy on the detail painter and copy their techniques? (In this metaphor techniques are DLSS implementation, not the paint (DLSS itself))

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