Google is killing Play Movies & TV, will only have three video stores left to – 345 points –

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I swear this company used to have its shit together.

They had a really amazing search algorithm that they used to make ad revenue and then made a bunch of stuff because the engineers were bored.

Google's problem is they reward bringing new product to market, but they don't reward steady stewardship or iteration to improve existing products. That's why you see Google release multiple products that do the same thing.

Eric Schmidt was amazing as CEO. Then he left and Page took over. He was okay, but nothing great. Then Pichai took over. He is an absolute douchenozzle and is basically there to just make as much money as possible all while trashing everything that made Google great. Google search sucks nowadays, YouTube is overrun with ads, and nothing interesting at all has happened with Android in a long time.

I love Android. Google please, please don't fuck this one up.

Seriously? I admit I use it, but how can you love it? I often feel violated using it. Google has its tendrils dug so deep into every aspect of it, I feel dirty using it.

I love it from a technical perspective from its runtime to its permissions model. I don't specifically care for Google. I'm enthused from an OS design perspective.

Stop it, don't give Google ideas or they will turn to Android next lol

Ha fuck you pleeb. We so fucking rich we drivin' g wagons to work wearing crocs and sweat pants then when g wagon gets full of mustard from our sandwiches we just buy another. Our shit is so far from together but ain't nothing gonna stop us. Also we just deleted your mom's GDrive because we can.

—Google probably