Elon Musk ‘Secretly’ Used Starlink To Foil A Ukrainian Attack On Russian Naval Fleet Over Fear Of Nuclear War: Report

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 1669 points –
Elon Musk ‘Secretly’ Used Starlink To Foil A Ukrainian Attack On Russian Naval Fleet Over Fear Of Nuclear War: Report

What an utter piece of shit.


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This is how I feel about Starship. Amazing progress is being made and he's going to fuck it all up before it ever has a real mission. It's sad. World's first fully reusable launch vehicle capable of building real shit in space like colonies and infrastructure and it had to be him that did it.

Did he really do it? I'm pretty sure that was the engineers, which Musk is not.

But he says big words about rockets on Twitter. That means he's an engineer, right?

What I meant was it had to be him that became the figurehead. I want someone with the drive and passion for space exploration, not someone with the passion for profit. A humble engineer or scientist who exists only to expand their knowledge and with plenty of fascination about the universe, not this dollar store Tony Stark wannabe narcissistic blowhard.

I guess I'm shouting at clouds though, because that's how the system is set up. People don't start companies because they want to do something awesome. They start them to make money.

Those people are too busy working to become figureheads

As much as I hate Musk, I doubt something that ambitious would be tried without him or someone like him. Same with starting a fully EV car company when everyone thought we were just but ready for it. Yes the engineers are the ones who do the work, but it takes someone willing to risk a lot of money, and the ability to bring in more money, to make that stuff happen.

Elon didn't start shit. He bought Tesla.

He bought a small dying company and turned it into the most valuable one they ever existed. He made the Tesla we know today.

He didnt start a fully EV car company, HE BOUGHT ONE.

Quit holding people on high regard based on their cult of personality.

He made the Tesla we know today, the Tesla we know today would not have existed without Musk, it likely would have died a small silicon valley startup that nobody had ever heard of.

Just because I hate him doesn't mean I won't give him credit for doing what he did.

I’m pretty sure someone at Tesla or SpaceX put the Twitter idea in his head so he would fuck off and meddle with something else and let them do their actual work instead of dealing with his stupidity, micromanaging and narcissism.

Folks at the Boring Co are just keeping their heads down hoping he forgets they exist

He borrowed a billion from it to buy Twatter. What happens the next time he needs money?