Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome to – 1392 points –
Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome

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I change from Chrome to Firefox recently on all devices and it was a pretty easy transition.

Doing same thing right now... only two things I will miss are chromecast and page translation.

Good news about page translation, Firefox is adding it, and it's all done locally too, no phoning home to their or somebody else's translation servers.

I wonder if there's an extension for Chromecast support? Might be worth looking into

Good news about page translation, Firefox is adding it, and it's all done locally too, no phoning home to their or somebody else's translation servers.

Till then there is this open source extension which provides the same functionality including local offline translation

Sadly, no, there is no chromecast extension (which I am aware of).

Actually there is one, but it's not very good if I'm being honest ( but workable).

I'm kind of surprised that no open source project of renown has ever decided to implement that on Firefox well.

There is? What's it called?

Just search for it from within Firefox, from the mods tab. That's how I found it the first time.

I did, but found nothing.

Don't know what to say, that's how I found it.

I'll try to remember the next time I am in front of my computer to look it up and post here.

For translation you can use this. Since you can use Google translation service as the backend(?), it works as good as Google translate atleast in my experience

Thanks a lot, this extension looks very much as what I need. I wish Apple stopped their WebKit policy on iPhone so I could use it on mobile Firefox too…

I'm using 2 extensions from the Firefox store, Simple Translate and Translate This Page. If one goes down, I use the other. Sometimes I use as well.

only two things I will miss are chromecast and page translation.

You can use your phone to start the chromecasting, and lets you also put in a weblink to translate a whole page at once.

the main thing holding me back is the password manager in Chrome and having to basically use 2 browsers as passwords are slowly saved to a new system

Do yourself a favour and get Bitwarden or similar. Browser password managers are way too vulnerable.

I've only had issues with Nordpass crashing occasionally when auto-filling, but it's otherwise pretty seamless

The only issue is I have to keep a chromium browser because there are a few sites that Firefox has issues with. But the vast majority work fine.

Can you not use those sites? The reason they don't work is because there userbase uses chrome.

Unfortunately I'm not in the business of working for them. They are mostly govt sites in my country and we simply have to work with them sometimes. Their web devs are underpaid general workers who know a bit of Joomla but added this and that shit to the point that it works only on Chrome.