The only manned submersible that could reach the missing Titan is owned by Steam's Gabe Newell to – 157 points –
The only manned submersible that could reach the missing Titan is owned by Steam's Gabe Newell

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I wish the world was as enthusiastic about saving hundreds of women and children as it is about saving 5 fucking millionaires or billionaires.

I agree with you, its infuriating that a news story about a bunch of billionaires lost in a homebrew sub is stealing the thunder of a lot of more important, much more tragic news.

But its a less complicated story for people to latch on to, it doesnt challenge people to do something about it... thats a big reason why its overshadowing these other stories. (Also theres maybe a bit of public Schadenfreude. I mean at a time when most people cant afford food or rent, I can see how a story about a disaster befalling a group of super rich folks capture peoples attention.)

But its also just a very compelling event. I dont know, people are just fascinated by disasters and deep sea exploration (myself included) and Ive never seen a story like this unfold in real time. So I think its worth following and discussing, but I agree that it shouldnt be totally dominating the news like this.

While I agree with the sentiment, doesn't your own article state that immediately after the incident, multiple countries launched a group search and rescue mission which saved a lot of the victims?

The story about the millionaires, at least to me, is less about the fact that they're millionaires, and more about the fact that we have tourist visits to the remains of the Titanic. At this point I don't know who was on that tiny submersible but I'm intrigued with the tech and what could have gone wrong.

the ugly truth is that immigrants drowning isn't news, it's just normal business, that's why they are trying to save the millionaires, and also why firemen send a chopper to rescue a cow stuck in ice while there are others getting chopped up a couple of miles away.

you can have interest in both. the news can't constantly keep people's focus on things that happen every day, people stop caring. also your own article states there was action taken.

I guess I kinda understand your frustration but if you choose to look at everything from that angle you might as well not participate in the news, it will burn you out

It's disgusting, bit that's the fucked up world we live in. Same reason we do corporate bailouts and tax cuts for the rich but can't ensure that every kid has food to eat.

Actually, while it may seem fucked up at first glance... if you really think long and hard about it, you'll realize it's actually really fucked up.

Unfortunately, migrants getting in trouble in the Med or English channel has become fairly common news these days, people tune out eventually. People lost in a homemade submarine isn't something that happens a lot so it draws attention.