Biden built the strongest safety net in U.S. history. Now it’s collapsing around him. to politics – 212 points –
Biden built the strongest safety net in U.S. history. Now it's collapsing around him.

The child poverty rate more than doubled in 2022 as Covid-era aid programs expired, erasing major economic gains for the poorest Americans.


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It really is crazy that under the COVID relief bills we saw direct payments to citizens, the child tax credits, and no cost healthcare at point of service for ONE disease. And then poof it was gone.

Especially on that last one, I’m surprised I don’t see it wrapped into the Medicare for All movement more often as an example of a dramatic expansion of the government’s role in healthcare for all Americans, however temporary and limited.

I'm not saying I wish covid was worse, but maybe if it's been like a little worse we could of got single payer healthcare?... I dunno I really thought that was going to make it obvious how much better that'd be.

I know what you are saying. These folks were actively asking for the 2% of Grandma's and immunocompromised to be sacrificed for the greater good. Maybe if they saw their ERs shut down in the suburbs and country line they did in the city, they would take it more seriously

Democrats don't want Medicare for All anymore than Republicans do. So it's not surprising that they dropped benefits as quickly as possible before people got used to them.

BoTh SiDeS

In context of Medicare for All ... yes: BoTh SiDeS.

There are differences between both political parties. But on healthcare issues, both parties are very protective of insurance company interests. To pretend otherwise is incredibly immature.

Believing republican propaganda is incredibly immature.

This is not constructive

bOtH sIdEs is not constructive.

Accurately pointing out what is the same and what is different across Republicans and Democrats is absolutely constructive. Start with the facts, don't just disregard the facts because they conflict with your theory about how noting any equivalency between both parties is GOP propaganda.

That's exactly the same kind of mindless allegiance in practice that GOP devotees are brainwashed with. If you're so sucked up into some theory that you can't acknowledge the faults in your own in-group, your perspective is next to useless. Politics calls for impartial analysis, not herd mentalities and division for its own sake.

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Making it permanent was pushed many times, but was getting rejected.

Yup, many of their pockets are just as lined with big pharma money as republicans

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