Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 711 points –
Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

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I don't see the big deal about the pronoun mods. You have to download and install it. Just don't download the mods.

It has no reason to exist besides being a middle finger to a queer minority.

This is a website deciding not to become a Nazi bar.

By the same token, I don't see a big deal about the pronoun choice. Just choose She/Her or He/Him. You don't have to choose They/Their.

Huh, just considering practicality, how many new characters would one have to create in order to save rather than waste downloading this? Given the time required to download, read, and set up, I’d guess somewhere in the range of 20-30 characters.

Speedrunners might download a mod to skip setup entirely, not a single option. Of the millions who purchased starfield, perhaps a few dozen might use this ergonomically. Neat.

Speedrunners might download a mod to skip setup entirely, not a single option.

I'm pretty sure that this would disqualify the run, unless it's specifically allowed in a particular category.

Practice mods are occasionally used if, say, there’s a tricky section 1.5 hours in. With route highlighting or landscape deemphasizing, if necessary. Speedrunning has slowed to a crawl in the last decade so that seems unlikely.

So what about people who do want to use they/them? Adults could install software like this for their kids and use the mod to deny their kid the right to choose what pronoun they want to use.

It is not a big deal. It doesnt have to be. Its just a small mod with a small change that some people apparently wanted for their experience. They didnt demand to change the game. I dont see problem with choosing pronouns, but I also dont see a problem with changing pointless stuff in your game.

Exactly. So whats the big hullabuloo here? Let people mod their single player game the way they want.

And its not like the player doesn't kill hundreds in a normal play through, pronouns seem like a minor thing in comparison.

People are welcome to mod games in whatever way they want, but Nexusmods has zero obligation to host anything, let alone content that violates their TOS.

That's fair, they don't have that obligation.

Just feels like an odd mod to ban.

It's not the first time they banned mods like this. Nexus had the same shit storm last year when they banned Spiderman mods that tried to remove pride flags. It's mentioned in the same article here as well.

The only reason it is getting this much outrage is because of the same reason last time, this is the hottest game on the market right now, just like Spiderman was when it came out for the first time on PC.

That you think it's "odd" for Nexus to remove a bigoted anti-trans mod is such a red flag lol.

Just pick your pronouns when you create your character. These are people getting their panties in a twist because they are being reminded that other people can choose different pronouns.

These are people getting their panties in a twist because they are being reminded that other people can choose different pronouns.

That's nothing new. The vast majority of far-right reactionaries know exactly zero trans people. They're getting upset because a stranger, who exists entirely in their imagination, may have an opinion about their own body that the far-right have not approved as "okay to have".

Of course, there's probably deeper reasons that they won't say out loud. What if they accidentally find a "man" attractive? What if they have to treat a casual acquaintance with basic human decency?

The horror.

I'd imagine for some, the problem is being reminded they too can choose. And they've had the option to choose for a long time.

Honestly, that was my biggest issue the idea of asking other people their pronoun was sort of a trend (at least according to the rightwing media? idk; I've never once seen a person ask another person their pronouns in IRL). For some reason I never wondered why I, as a "cis man", I'd be afraid of such a question (especially since I was the type to like when people mistook me for being gay, so it wasn't like I was afraid of having my "masculinity questioned" or was anti-LGBT).

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