Germany bans neo-Nazi group with links to US, conducts raids in 10 German states to World – 724 points –
Germany bans neo-Nazi group with links to US, conducts raids in 10 German states

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Now we need to do the AfD next, bevor we have the next Nazis on our hands. And their populist propaganda is seeping in steadily, fueled by massive and endless hate campaigns from the BILD boulevard piece.

They are polling really really high in many states, top in some even, despite having absolutely no plans or desires to do any politics. All they can do is rage and yell about immigrants, current politicians, taxes, joblessness, the EU, laws, Ukraine, everything. And they also successfully did this thing where they are selling their idea that they are "for the people" and "the will of the people", yet the elected politicians they do have have consistently (and I mean it, not a single exeption) voted in favor of taxing the working class and making it easier for the ultra-rich. Surprise, surprise.

The same is happening in Sweden with the neo Nazi Sweden Democrats (disclaimer: they prefer being called "social conservatives" while simultaneously calling for the "deportation of asocial foreigners"). The only difference is, these ones have a plan, a really shitty one, and now by forming a bloc and becoming part of the government without any posts, they are effectively trying to apply each one of their weird proposals even though a number of them may require that they leave the EU. They think UK is doing a good job with immigration...

Whenever any nation wants to leave the EU, I immediately suspect they are up to a human rights violation.


Lol, the UK are doing worse with immigration than before Brexit.

Some people really use any lies to make people support their outrageous claims like leaving the EU.

I wouldn't be surprised if Russia was helping behind the scenes with it, they want the EU to fail so they can conquer even more territories.

Russia know they can't fight NATO. So they make like-minded autocratic friends like Erdogan, Orban, Trump & try to soften NATO members' stance towards Russia. The hope is that some, if not all the major NATO member countries will self-radicalise & see nothing wrong with what Russia or China does. Clever & obviously working.

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If something is worth doing it's worth doing yourself. Stop outsourcing your aggression to governments.

Eh, I am sadly not in a position where I can ban the AfD. I wish I were.

It's difficult to ban that kind of thing anyway. Ideas are hard to squash, especially ones born of a mix of ignorance and frustration.

They dont convince people of their Ideas though. All they do is ragebait populism. Their actual Ideas are just shitty fiscal conservativism with some vaguely racist and homophobic social policy. They are not selling the product they are convincing people to buy.

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