First Google Search Result for Tiananmen Square “Tank Man” Is AI Generated Selfie

Lee to – 228 points –

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Look, all I’m saying is that I have yet to see any definitive proof that China really exists. A flag with 5 stars and 2 colors? Who do they expect to fool with that?

Also the borders are so inconsistent. One minute it’s 9 dashes, next they’re claiming it’s 10 dashes. Can’t even keep a story straight.

And a giant ass wall all around it? Ppfsht, yeah, right. Just believe in fairy tales if you want to.

I saw a picture of China's purported leader but it was just Winnie the Pooh.
You can't fool me with cartoons.

I've seen lots of people who say they're from China, but they all look just like Japanese people, can I really just take them at their word?