GOP congressman calls for execution of “sodomy-promoting” US Army general to – 279 points –
GOP congressman calls for execution of “sodomy-promoting” US Army general

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You're thinking of Quasimodo. He's talking about a TV program where they ask contestants trivia.

You're thinking of quiz shows. This guy was talking about the famous movie director who did Reservoir Dogs and Django in Chains.

You’re thinking of Quinten Tarantino. It really means an expulsion of gas from the vagina.

No, that's queefing. What they meant was separating themselves from others when they're sick.

I think you’re confused; that’s quarantining. What they meant is when two people bicker or argue.

No that's quarreling. They're talking about about two eighths of weed.

I believe you're mistaken, that's a quarter, the reference is to making a bedspread out of patchwork.

No, that’s quilting. You’re thinking of the city in Virginia that hosts both a USMC base and the primary FBI training center.

That'd be quarantining. They're talking about a tabletop game with colored shapes on black square tiles that are arranged in lines.