GOP congressman calls for execution of “sodomy-promoting” US Army general to – 279 points –
GOP congressman calls for execution of “sodomy-promoting” US Army general

“In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung,” Gosar wrote.

I'm sure a lot of people engaging in sodomy would enjoy their partners having large penises, but I'm not sure how that's relevant. Or how or why Representative Gosar knows how big General Milley's dick is right now.

For clarification, I’m pretty sure a quisling is a gay grizzly bear.

I thought it was a chain sub shop that went out of business and hired that guy making the viral flash songs for advertising.

You're thinking of Quasimodo. He's talking about a TV program where they ask contestants trivia.

You're thinking of quiz shows. This guy was talking about the famous movie director who did Reservoir Dogs and Django in Chains.

You’re thinking of Quinten Tarantino. It really means an expulsion of gas from the vagina.

No, that's queefing. What they meant was separating themselves from others when they're sick.

I think you’re confused; that’s quarantining. What they meant is when two people bicker or argue.

No that's quarreling. They're talking about about two eighths of weed.

I believe you're mistaken, that's a quarter, the reference is to making a bedspread out of patchwork.

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That'd be quarantining. They're talking about a tabletop game with colored shapes on black square tiles that are arranged in lines.

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“Quisling eye for the straight bear Seqson 1…”

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It's a testament to how far the right has shifted that they think General Milley is a liberal.

Actually, scratch that. They don't put people on a spectrum, they're 100 percent "for us or against us." There are trump supporters and everyone else, and the everyone else are by definition liberal scum.

He is literally a liberal.

The Republican party has lost the plot so hard it's time to join the rest of the world and actually know what the word means, which isn't "Democrat."

He is literally a liberal.

How do you figure? A Roman Catholic to the point he was a member of Knights of Columbus. Appointed chairman of the joint chiefs of staff by Trump, who pretty much only appointed hard right cabinet members. What criteria are you using to define him a liberal?

Damn, I considered joining Knights of Columbus because it’s a social organization that does some good fundraising and service projects. I didn’t know I’d have to change my politics

I just mean it's a very Roman Catholic organization. Of course you can be liberal and Roman Catholic at the same time, but generally they're a pretty conservative bunch.

The criteria of people that know what liberalism is.

It's just the defining ideology of the country, the one practically invented by us, why would the average American be able to clearly define it?

Wait, no, that's bullshit. You can't say "he's literally a liberal" and then just say "because I know one when I see one." You're proving my point: you only think he's a liberal because he's said things against Trump.

On average, the members of our military are way more conservative than the average American, and that's even more true for their leadership. But Trump has consistently alienated them, and it's no surprise that many of them are disgusted with him. That does not make them liberal.

Liberalism isn't the same as being liberal as in liberal or conservative. Liberalism is based on the ideals of 18th century political philosophers that governments should protect individual rights and liberties and so on. Our whole government sttucture is rooted in this philosophy, and most people who believe in good faith democracy would fall into this category.

That's not how it was used in the context of this discussion. I said the right thinks Milley is a liberal. He said Milley is liberal, then said based on people who know what liberalism is. We're pretty clearly talking about the US political left and right.

Do you also get mad when people know that aspens are aspens because of the way that they are?

Google it.

I don't need to Google it, and I can define the concepts just fine. I was asking you to define it because there are different norms and criteria use to determine what constitutes a liberal or a conservative. Most of the time it boils down to their views on government priorities, personal freedoms, taxation, and other topics. I can tell you what it means to me, but you use the word without even knowing what you mean.

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Liberalism is the founding basis of modern Western democracy. So not quite the same as an obscure fact about a species of tree.

"Obscure fact" is a weird way to say "literally the defining characteristics."

But you're right, it's far, far more embarrassing for an American to not be able to define liberal, or at least vaguely recognize its meaning in this context.

Liberal, in US English, is almost solely used to describe left of center politics. For the definition of liberal that you’re referring to the common term is Libertarian.

The trouble I have with a definition like that is that it raises another question: what's 'center'?

And if you define that by a point between hard right and hard left, then as the right goes even farther into their own reactionary bubble, diving even farther right, the "center" skews to the right to account for it.

There really hasn’t been much change in the hard right and hard left in the United States through its history. We’ve just fluctuated back and forth on what parts you dare say out loud.

Leaving aside for the moment that the most common "libertarian" identifies as a "classical liberal" how do you people keep having dumber takes?

You aren't exactly a novel contributor to the broader discussion either. All you are doing is claiming shit, not backing anything up, and telling others to Google it while being a snide and condescending prick.

Just ignore him. He is the type of dude that thinks arguing about the prescriptive versus descriptive use of the word "literally" is a personality.

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The word is hanged, but I wouldn't expect a politician to remember or pass 7th grade English. Pornstars are hung, traitors are hanged.

It's a Freudian slip. Gosar be 'mirin.

Pornstars are hung

Honestly Milley also looks like the kinda dude who could be hanging some serious dong.

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I take "Death thread against a federal employee 100".

GOP politician calling for the execution of somebody they disagree with. Typical.

So we're mistaking death threats for free speech now, huh.

Neither Gosar nor Trump have served in the military.

Last sentence sums it up.

Yeah, if I threatened a general, I'd be in jail yesterday. Something has to be done about the GOP's violent stochastic terrorism.

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Yeah it's haha funny but it's important to remember these guys really do mean it! they are telling you what they really think, paul gosar actually wants to hang Mike Milley!

I guarantee this dude has seen a few up close.

You can do that? I didn't know you could just do that.