Texas’ ban on certain drag shows is unconstitutional, federal judge says

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.worldmod to politics @lemmy.world – 872 points –
Texas’ ban on certain drag shows is unconstitutional, federal judge says

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Key words: "In front of children"

How does it harm children to see someone in prosthetics dancing and lip synching?

I don't think it's good to expose children to grown men in revealing outfits twerking in front of them while kids are encouraged to tuck dollar bills into the dragqueens shirt like a stripper. Which happens and you don't bat an eye. Just because you're sexually desensitized doesn't mean it's okay to expose children to it.

Why are you under the impression that every drag show is like that? Drag story time at a library does not involve any of that.

If I were to present an example of sexually explicit stuff going down at a children's drag queen story hour would you change your mind?

No, because that's anecdotal. My wife is a librarian. I can give you plenty of anecdotes to counter it.

The answer is I'm not under the impression that every drag show is like that, but some definitely are and it seems like you people don't bat an eye or self police in any way.

Oh, well if some of them are, we better ban all of them.

It's not banning drag shows though. Read the bill. It's banning certain actions at a drag show.

Ok, link me to the bill. Because every outlet I have seen says the opposite.

You are being misled by sensationalized media. Bills are not hard to track down.

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Go ahead, present to us a video of a drag queen demonstrating: “sexually explicit conduct” meaning actual or simulated— (i) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; (ii) bestiality; (iii) masturbation; (iv) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or (v) lascivious exhibition of the anus, genitals, or pubic area of any person.

In front of 5 year olds, not adults.

You're not gonna.

https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1681092876313214976 Here's a video of a drag queen simulating jerking off with children present. Not sure there's five year olds but there's definitely children present. One young girl seems to be clinging on to her mother facing away from it, showing discomfort.

https://twitter.com/SaraGonzalesTX/status/1619507742926077952 "I know theres little babies here, but... close your ears. This is just a tradition that all shows normally do. Cheers to you, cheers to me, cheers to those who lick us where we pee"

I expect you to come back downplaying it. But I think most people can agree this stuff is not appropriate for children.

Lol do you know babies don't understand words? Also the like three 10 year old kids were literally given money by their parents to tip the drag queens in the second video so apparently they thought it was fine. Regardless of what I or you think is appropriate for kids their parents thought it was or they would have left and certainly not given their kids money to tip.

You found two with 99% adults in the audience who were with their parents that made their own decision to not leave and take their kids away.

How many cases have there been in the past year of children getting shot at school or raped by priests though? Spoiler a lot more than 2, and guess what those kids are dead or have ruined lives, not just being grossed out for a few seconds. Most kids see worse on YouTube.

You asked me for examples, I gave you examples, and now you're going off about priests raping kids and kids getting shot at school. Exactly how I expected the response to be tbh.

Doesn't care about kids dying and being raped, only cares about a couple parents deciding it's fine if their kids see something a little racy.

Exactly how I expected the response to be tbh.

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You know what actually happens and none of you bat an eye? Grown men fondling altar boys. You know it happens, but you don't dare address it, so instead you pretend there's a much bigger child abuse problem out there that's more worthy of your time.

But there isn't. Clergy have demonstrably sexually abused children, and their church organizations have covered it up.

So go ahead, keep protecting pedophiles and protecting your disconcert with it onto everything else. When you're ready to value protecting kids over protecting religion, let us know.

I'm not religious. Nice try though. I hate pedophile priests too.

Great, so will you support legislation that suspends all Catholic Church events until they can be thoroughly audited? Churches in general, really.

go back to reddit

You seem to be under the impression that anyone gives a shit about your warped and disturbed world view. You keep telling others to go back to reddit but it's much more your style. Maybe you should start there.

Go ahead, present to us a video of a drag queen demonstrating: “sexually explicit conduct” meaning actual or simulated— (i) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; (ii) bestiality; (iii) masturbation; (iv) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or (v) lascivious exhibition of the anus, genitals, or pubic area of any person.

In front of 5 year olds, not adults.

You’re not gonna.

This was the message I was responding to. I provided exactly what you asked for and you sperged out.

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Key words: straw man. Guessing almost zero drag shows happen in front of children

If I were to present you evidence of sexually explicit actions happening at a drag show in front of children would you change your mind?

It would be immaterial, because that is already illegal and can be enforced using existing laws without resorting to a broad ban of a particular kind of performance art.

Clarifications in law for grey areas are common. It's very likely people will downplay any sexual activity, as has already happened.

One time, no. Dozens of times, no I wouldn't change my mind that it's basically a non-issue, but I might believe that it's something that actually happens amongst the hundreds of millions of people that exist in my country.

You can find one example of the most insanely uncommon shit ever and it won't mean it's worth talking about for more than 30 seconds per year

What if I found 5 examples? How many do I need before you'll admit maybe I have a point?

If I can go my entire life and see a handful of articles about something happening, I do not think it's some sort of menace to society. Probably because I don't have a hatred of the people involved bubbling underneath every thought I have concerning the issue.

On January 6th alone I received 1000 times more proof I needed that Republicans are fucked up than decades have given me about trans people.

I am confident you're not canvassing the web with attacks against Republicans

You clearly didn't read. Can you?

What evidence threshold do I have to bypass in order for you to believe that it's not "the most insanely uncommon shit ever"

No. It wouldn't. Because you're a prude, and your definition of "sexually explicit actions" is almost certainly over-the-top pearl-clutching nonsense to me.

Would you say simulating jerking off in front of children is a "sexually explicit action"

I don't give a fuck about your video of a drag performer in Essex pretending the microphone is a phallus. Prude elsewhere.

I know you don't. You don't care about children being exposed to sexually explicit things. Thanks for being honest about it. But understand that some people do give a fuck, and you should respect that. You don't even have kids so you don't really get a seat at this table.

ASSUMER. I am done talking the moment someone assumes something about me without any evidence.

I bet I'm right though

I have a kid, and I have taken my kid to Pride events, because I am not a prude. I have taken her to drag queen story hours, because its fun. I grew up fundie evangelical and given a choice between corn-fed closeted authoritarian men trying to indoctrinate my kid to believe God's divine order makes her subserviant to a male/creep into her pants, vs. a drag queen playing on social constructs of sexuality, I'll take the latter every time.

Alright then I consider you a terrible parent if you don't care about them being exposed to sexually explicit material at a young age. I'm not religious, so your whining about that does not mean anything to me. I simply believe that parents have an obligation to shield their children from shit like this, and you disagree.

given a choice between corn-fed closeted authoritarian men trying to indoctrinate my kid to believe God’s divine order makes her subserviant to a male/creep into her pants, vs. a drag queen playing on social constructs of sexuality,

Those aren't the only two options. You can do neither. Not sure what kind of point you are making. Question, should children be allowed to look at porn?

Yes, you can choose not to take your kids to those events. Versus BAN BAN BAN PERSECUTE BAN FOMENT VIOLENCE and do anything to perpetuate the over-the-top prudishness of a loud minority.

Can you answer the question I asked? Do you draw any line or do you think that children should be able to see everything adults do?

This doesn't ban drag shows or drag queens. It bans sexual themes shows in front of children. Just like how porn is illegal for children to view. You can still have your sexual drag shows, just not with children around. This shouldn't bother you that much.

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