Free vasectomy clinic fills up fast in Oklahoma City

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Planned Parenthood Great Plains is holding a free two-day vasectomy clinic next month, and all the spots filled up in less than 48 hours.


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Got it 2 decades ago. Downside is my balls hang lower. Which has caused discomfort riding bikes. Finding the right underwear has been crucial for comfort. The other pain is my balls hitting the water, I don't like toilet water on my balls

I suspect the 2 decades might have more to do with your balls hanging lower than the vasectomy lol

noticed the lower hanging balls immediately. Couple of my friends have the same experience post vasectomy m, balls hang lower. Granted I already had grandad balls at 24 when I got snipped. Definitely could get some puppetry going

Interesting. Did you have a laser or a scalpel? I had mine last month, and haven't noticed any difference at all.

My right testicle gets VERY SORE sometimes

Wtf, so does mine. When I brought it up, they said the vasectomy couldn't have caused that and I had mine 8 years ago.

I honestly doubt it couldn't see as that essentially sounds like blue balls.

Is the US the only country in the world that fills toilets to the top, or are there others?

Water is at the bottom like normal toilets. Probably have 3-4 inches of sack hanging. Some toilets are deeper than others, public vs private mostly. The worst are the almond shaped public toilets that are really shallow

Each public toilet that does not have a tank in the back can have the water level adjusted. I have seen some bathrooms with identical toilets where the water is anywhere between 5 to 8 inches down from the seat.

Yes, I have preferred toilets at work due to low hanging balls and dislike of ball sweat tea.

There is no way 3-4 inches would get close to the water in my toilet. There would only be a few inches of water in the bottom.