Jury acquits delivery driver of main charge in shooting of YouTube prankster

Salamendacious@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 548 points –
Jury acquits delivery driver of main charge in shooting of YouTube prankster

A jury has found a delivery driver not guilty in the shooting of a YouTube prankster who was following him around a mall food court earlier this year


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I know everyone loves when YouTube pranksters get whats coming but shooting someone over a mild annoyance is never a good thing. This is why america seems fucking nuts to anyone that doesn't live there.

Somebody approaching you, even though you're trying to move away and telling them to stop, is not a "mild annoyance". It's dangerous because weapons are so freely available. It would be better if they weren't, but while they are, you shouldn't do something like this.

It's not enough to shoot someone in any civilised country.

It's important to realize that the confrontation lasted 30 seconds. That's the amount of time he waited before almost killing someone.

He wasn't being chased in a dark alley or stalked for half a hour, someone played loud noises in his face and it took a total of 30 seconds for him to decide to shoot someone over it. Literally insane.

It is in a civilized country where you have to assume everyone has a gun.

It's important to realize that the confrontation lasted 30 seconds. That's the amount of time he waited before almost killing someone.

Yes, I do realise that, and I did realise it when I wrote my initial comment. What is your point? That someone can't become dangerous towards you if your interaction lasts 30 seconds or less?

He wasn't being chased in a dark alley and stalked for half a hour, someone played loud noises in his face and it took a total of 30 seconds for him to decide to shoot someone over it. Literally insane.

See, if your point only makes sense due to leaving out important details, it's not a good point. He wasn't shot because "someone played loud noises in his face".

a civilized country where you have to assume everyone has a gun.

One of these things is not like the other

Ah yes, let's circlejerk around the definition of "civilization".

For the record, I'm not American (thank god!), but this is neither funny nor useful.

It is factual tho.

Then provide the factual basis. What definition of "civilization" excludes societies with loose gun laws?

They did, right here.

a civilized country where you have to assume everyone has a gun.

One of these things is not like the other

Are you trolling, or are you arguing on the level of a three year old?

Words have meanings. They don't necessarily have one single meaning, but generally words only make sense in the context of commonly-understood definitions. If I make up a new definition, it's not useful to use it, as long as other people don't use it.

Now, I can argue that the sky is blurple, and I'm fully correct if I define blurple to be the color of the sky. But you will notice that this sentence doesn't hold any meaning as long as blurple isn't a commonly understood definition.

You're free to show that loose gun laws are commonly understood to be an argument against something being a civilized society. But until you do that, you're doing what I said earlier: just circlejerking with neither funny nor useful descriptions.

Do you understand now?

30 seconds is a long time for someone to be harassing you. I can see why it escalated.

But it still doesn't justify deadly force. That's a last resort.

He also did not warn the person.

Say: "Stop or I'll shoot."

If the person keeps coming at you after you say that, you can infer their intent to do serious harm.

Have to have a fact to hang your hat on, or you end up charged, and need to get massively lucky, like this dude, to avoid prison.

It's dangerous, it's not an imminent danger to life and limb.

If you're about to catch a beating, you can't just shoot.

The police, prosecution, judge, and half the jury, and me, think this conduct exceeded any right of self defense the dude had.

No question he could.lawfully have maced him or punched him and there'd have been no charge. But to try and kill the guy?

The jury apparently fucked it up by rendering an inconsistent verdict on the sole conviction. It's dangerous when the jury says it's deadlocked. It generally means someone in the room isn't being reasonable, or is not following the judge's instructions. And it resulted with inconsistent verdicts.

Anyone you say?


Yes. Your country has a shit reputation because of the gun cult, the shootings, the constant war mongering, the blatant racism and homophobia, and the Christian lobby that fuels all of the above.

Being the world's economic leader doesn't mean your internal policies can't be shit, grow up.

When Trump was visiting foreign countries, they literally flew giant ballons mocking him lmao.

Lol Trump is not president anymore. Guess why.

Plus my point still stands.

You said "anyone" thinks America is fucking nuts. And yet people are willing to immigrate illegally. Do they think America is fucking nuts too?

Yes, they probably do think America is nuts, they just don't have any choice. You think they're migrating because they want to attend barbecues in parking lots before football matches?

There are less nutty places to go, in that case. Yet, they prefer America.

And yes, barbecues and football matches are, in a way, a representation of peace and prosperity.

war mongering

Nowadays when the US gets involved in a war, Europe generally joins them.

the blatant racism

Blatant racism is found throughout Europe.


Has Italy legalized gay marriage yet? No? Can gay Italian couples at least adopt children? Oh, that's a shame. How about Greece? Huh.

Christian lobby

Several European countries have major political parties with Christian in their very name. One European country even founded their own state religion.

Trump was visiting foreign countries

Italy practically invented the media-buffoon/fascist-politico/laughingstock combo.

And Trump, like Berlusconi, is no longer in power. But Meloni and Orban still are.

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Ask any female friends or relatives of yours how they would feel if a 6'5” man continued to approach them and ask what they thought of his penis. See if they think it's a mild annoyance.

My wife is 5'2". She's been physically pushed around by a man in the past. I'm 5'11" and if I get upset at her, she will cower. If I advanced on her threateningly, she would panic. If a stranger who was half a foot larger than me did, she would absolutely fear for her safety.

Another thread, another demonstration of majority Lemmy users being fucking insane.... depressing.

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