“Tip of the iceberg”: Experts sound the alarm after Trump blabbed nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago

CantaloupeLifestyle@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 604 points –
“Tip of the iceberg”: Experts sound the alarm after Trump blabbed nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago

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to which an excited Trump — "leaning" toward Pratt as if to be discreet — then told Pratt two pieces of information about U.S. submarines: the supposed exact number of nuclear warheads they routinely carry, and exactly how close they supposedly can get to a Russian submarine without being detected.

Holy fucking fuck.

This guy needs to be in jail. He’s deliberately leaked sources and methods, national nuclear information, and intelligence on foreign forces. Never in the history of the country has there been such a person in charge of national security. He is such a total waste that he thinks the president of the fucking United States needs to show off in front of foreign government officials by leaking national security secrets.

What an absolute piece of shallow-ego shit.

And he did it for clout, to impress somebody. He couldn’t even be a normal traitor and do it for money or idealogical reasons.

it’s somehow even more stupid imo… like… he blabbed about the fact that he had this information and the other guy would have been like “yeah… we know you know… you’re the fucking president”

Riiiiight? This is the weird fucking guy who just walks up to someone they fancy at a party, sight unseen, and just blurts out something fucking stupid like "Hey, good lookin'. I drive a BMW." and expects applause or sex appeal. Who the fuck raises these people?!?!

That reminds me of this Christmas party we had at work, two friends of mine, one of them being a girl I worked with started hooking up, and so when they arrived to the party, the guy called me over, and he was like, hey, don't tell nobody but I've been beating that pussy up for the past 2 hours, I'm like ok man, whatever, I won't tell anybody. Then he turns around and starts calling out to someone else and tells them the exact same thing. I'm like dude, who the fuck cares?

Who the fuck raises these people?!?!

Fred Trump and the Fred Trump shaped hole in Don's soul.

In addition, nuclear secrets are a whole category of secret that the President does not have the authority to reveal

And if he does that for clout, what would he tell if say, someone knew some insider shit he’s been up to?

Someone that has access to top-notch intel gathering.

Someone…. Russian.

Hands down, there’s no doubt Putin knows everything about our military. Everything.

And how many enlisted men will continue to support him and vote for him? How many vets will give up their families instead of giving up their cult-like reverence for him?

Just an astounding level of ignorance in this country.

Actually, at this point it's more than ignorance, it's straight up malice. We have to understand that the proles on the right live in an echo chamber and will never see this story, and that's by design. Between the Fox News deliberately and knowingly misleading the country about it, and more important, the entire Republican Party (with your occasional Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, etc.) it hard for the rank and file to have any real clue what's going on. Toss in years of ensuring that their base is not educated through their deliberate dismantling of public education and religious indoctrination. It's extremely important to note that you don't get to Trump without the entire party of complicit cowards who are either ignoring the damage he's doing, or are actively encouraging it because they're traitorous fucks, and that it hasn't happened overnight. This has been a very long game, and it's not an accident.

There have been folks lock away forever or banned to Russia for doing less than Trump.

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