Ukraine’s Zelensky on ‘horrible’ Hamas attack: ‘Israel’s right to self-defense is unquestionable’ to – 151 points –
Ukraine’s Zelensky on ‘horrible’ Hamas attack: ‘Israel’s right to self-defense is unquestionable’

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Ah so Palestinians are allowed to die by Israeli hands but Israeli are not allowed to die by Palestinian hands in Zelensky’s eyes. Okay, got it.

Why would he care? He's fighting a war and his own people are getting slaughtered. He needs to say whatever he needs to get the necessary support to win. Israel is a powerful country and his country needs their support.

Never said he should care but he shouldn’t complain if people are siding with Russia for their own gains now. He’s doing the exact same thing.

Nonetheless, I hope that Ukraine wins it. What Russia did is fucked.

Hamas went in and massacred civilians and took hostages. Zelenskyy can clearly emphathize with Israel at this point in time without any further motivation necessary.

Israeli quite much doing the same thing. Stealing homes, killing children basically doing genocide.

I get what he’s doing but should not complain now when countries side with Russia for their own profit. He’s doing the same exact thing.

World is screwed.

Massacred Settlers - whose fathers and grandfathers commited genocide on the Palestinians, forced them out of their motherland and occupied their land which they still continue to do. Ukraine and Palestine are on a fundamentally same position. Both nations are fighting against an Imperialist power to secure their right to existence. Zelensky should not have said anything in his position.

Of course, he'll complain. Your point is simply illogical. Zelensky is not some smooth brain moral expert wannabe on the internet. He is the president of a country that's at war. He has his country's best interests at heart, therefore he will do whatever will help his country. He needs the support of Israel, he needs the support of the US, he needs the support of the UK, he needs the support of the EU. They're the ones who stood by him in his country's darkest days and helped Ukraine have a fighting chance against the world's second most powerful military.

Why would he not return the favor when one of these countries gets invaded to improve relations? Why would he risk support for his own country by not doing so? By the same token, why would he be okay with other countries that are siding with the enemy country? He's going to have whatever stances helps Ukraine the most. In war you have to do whatever is necessary to weaken your enemy and strengthen yourself.

You’re right, he has to do whatever he can to help his country. But it’s hypocrisy to support Israel an state that murders men, woman and children (and steal homes) and then claim what Russia does is wrong.

Both Russia and Israel are doing the same thing. He’s supporting an country that’s doing the exact same thing to Palestine, what Russia does to his country.

Therefore, don’t complain when countries side with Russia for their own profit. Because they’re doing what Zelensky is doing now, doing what is right for their own country (and pockets probably).

You are right he isn’t some internet smooth brain moral expert. Never claimed he was.

I mean from the videos recorded by militants themselves. It is really hard to support them.

Frankly they fucked Palestinians with this move and will be really hard to get international support.

I’m not sure who you mean regards the support (English isn’t my native language).

However if you meant, it is hard to support Palestinians due to what’s happening now. That’s hypocrisy.

I don’t agree with the murdering and all. However, Israel have been doing that for decades and decades (killing men, woman and children. Stealing homes, closing water, electricity and basic needs) and no one bat an eye to it. Now Hamas striking back and it is all bad?

Certainly is bad however not unsurprising. People will fight back.

EDIT: I think, I have misunderstood what you said. Let me know if that is the case.

That was bad and this is bad. Two things can be bad and saying the second one is bad doesn't means the first one is good.

I don’t really understand what you mean by that.

Two wrongs don't make a right

Oh, that way. That’s indeed true. But it is very understandable that if one is being oppressed for decades, they will eventually fight back and return everything that’s been done to them.

It’s sad but reality.

For example, why is okay for Ukraine to fight back but not for Palestine to do the same? Both get oppressed, are losing land and their own folk. Yet people complain mainly about Palestine fighting back and not about Ukraine fighting back.

I, personally just find it odd that people are okay with Ukraine siding with Israel in the name of “they are allowed to defend themselves!” But when Palestine is fighting back to defend themselves and fighting for their own right to live - that’s not okay.

It is hypocrisy for Zelensky to be okay with Israel oppressing Palestine but finding it not okay for Russia doing the same exact thing to his own country.

Two wrongs doesn’t make it right, right? So that would mean that it isn’t okay for Israel to oppress Palestine for decades as well.

EDIT: Not that I care about downvotes on Lemmy, however it seems that majority here supports Israel which is genuinely sad to see.

Ukraine doesn't gun down shelters and cafés full of civilians and parades mutilated bodies of tourists through the streets.

That's why people support Ukraine and criticize Palestine.

But I don’t see people criticize Israel for decades of oppression on Palestinian people. That seems to be normalized by everyone nowadays.

What do you expect? Palestinian people to just be like “okay, kill us go ahead”?

Did people forget that Zelensky knew that Russia would wage war on them and he kept this a secret all along because he knew people would leave the country?

People (including myself) are criticizing Israel EVERYWHERE ad nauseam. Bringing UN resolutions (vetoed by the US), protesting on the streets, ranting on the internet, wearing t-shirts, donating to NGOs...

Everybody knew Russia would wage war on them, there were satellite images published for weeks before Feb 24th, which of course Russia denied. Is /r/RussiaDenies a thing on lemmy yet?

People do criticize Israel, but this recent Hamas attack made it hard to do right now.

No, it's just that Zelensky has to lick Netanyahu's behind to beg for aid. Sad but true

That's very much not true, Ukraine not yet received any aid from Israel.

Right, but they want to.

That's never going to happen, especially now there's no way that Israel sends military aid any time soon. Even before that, Russia was and still is pretty important for Isreal which is putting them in a very awkward spot when it comes to the war in Ukraine.

It was either support Israel, or lose access to their weapons. I'm sure if Palestine was the oppressor with military superiority, he would support them. Of course, whether or not he personally supports Israel's regime is unknown to us, but we do know he needs their weapons.

No I think it has more to do with US and EU positions. He will parrot their opinions because he wants to be seen as an ally. Add that to the support he’s already getting from that region and the answer is that he isn’t allowed a real opinion here

Agreed. That is the more likely scenario.