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The overuse of the word enshittification drives me crazy.

Enshittification of "enshittification"



Ekshuliiii.. it should be Enshittificursion or Reshittification. Inception means something else.

I'll show myself out.

Yeah, it has a very specific meaning, and people are now using it to mean "things becoming shitty". Just because "shit" is the base word doesn't mean that's what the whole word means.

Feels like it's always been a buzzword for whatever someone doesn't like right now

Thank you. I think it was overused even the moment it was used for its intended purpose. It feels really im14andthisisedgy to me.

I'm actually really glad we're hearing it.

It's a sign that people are finally starting to have higher standards.

I think those with low standards would get upset. Nobody likes to admit they're being taken advantage of.

And I think this is a dumb take, considering who coined the word and why. It's a variation of "I hate anything trendy or popular".

Underuse IMO. We’ve grown complacent in so many regards.

Are they wrong for using a word correctly? Or are you wrong for being a bitch about it? Hmmm.

It’s Lemmy’s “play stupid games…” variant

What do you mean 'overuse'?

It's just now entering our vernacular.

Yup, and when I used it, I knew someone would bitch about that. It's funny how people get hung up on their pet peeve more than they do the more serious underlying issues we're talking about here. It's the same phenomenon politicians and wealthy elites use to keep us fighting each other over trivial culture war bullshit instead of pulling together to improve our material interests.

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