YouTube cracking on ad blockers. to – 1204 points –

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In recent years there's been a shift from "white/black list" to "allow/block list" in an effort to avoid the stereotypes associated with those terms. I wouldn't say it's the new norm yet, but it's slowly becoming more popular.

Ah like the master/slave becoming server/client?

I still don’t like allow list though. Block list seems fine. Maybe access list?

I feel the use of master/slave to talk about technological concepts took power away from the original conotations of the words and by not using them its actualy making their effect more negative but what would i know.

Similar to that, yeah, although I think the master/slave thing started earlier. (It's a bit more blatant, tbf.)

I agree that allowlist doesn't roll off the tongue quite as nicely, but as long as it makes it obvious what the word means, I'll go with it.

I hate that.

With flying they changed NOTAM from notices to airmen to notices to air missions or something.

Calm tf down. Will they change Human to hupersons next? Man-made to huperson-made? GTFO here.

Okay, I have to ask: outside of training, did you ever say NOtice To AirMen? I haven’t. It’s always NOTAM for me. They were nice enough to keep the acronym the same.

If something so trivial upsets you so deeply in an attempt to make others feel more included, maybe you should look into yourself.

You should probably take your advice and calm down.

Talking with the people involved, at least in my experience, it is an unnecessary adjustment. Nobody "affected" gave a hoot.

Yeah, basically the demand for hate outstrips the supply, so they decided that whitelist/blacklist is racist. Its just a power trip, being able to change peoples vocab with nonsense.

the newer words make way more sense. They actually convey the concept

What makes no sense is the words “white” and “black” as referring to people. People are brown, all of them.

I remember when I tried setting up a server a couple decades ago and I didn't understand what the difference between a white and black list were. Made no sense to me.

Allow/block can't be mistaken. It's literally a better choice of words for many reasons.

Firefighter is the best of these.


Fire fighters fight fire. Crime fighters fight fire.

The weird one is freedom fighters…

They are a trillion dollar company, they can afford to give some slack on this issue that maybe affects 5% of their users

Its honestly not a big deal, its just something to go rename for no good reason. At least for my job, it took about only a couple man-days to get every mention of blacklist/whitelist renamed and the code reviewed.

The bigger deal for me was master branch to main. Broke every pipeline script we had, broke our backups, and it caused not one but two outages in production. I guess its our fault for not making the branch name maintainable, but its never come up before and will never come up again. I honestly think between all the work we put in to that change, we spent a man-year on that. Thats before the production outages. Devops sucks.

At least I got paid to deal with it.