Brave appears to install VPN Services without user consent to – 490 points –

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If folk want to have a chromium-based browser made by a company, take a look at Vivaldi instead (which will keep the old plugin architecture, so adblockers work). It has a limited built-in blocker and extra features, but for now still runs uBlock.

Vivaldi is what I use, and it's absolutely the best Chromium browser I've ever tried.

That said, I'd switch to Firefox in a heartbeat if it could duplicate that sidebar. I use that thing all the time, and it's the only thing keeping me on Chromium.

Firefox fork with features like the sidebar, vertical tabs, and more. It's a vivaldi-like gecko browser, give it a shot.

Oh, man, that's exactly what I've been wanting. Already switched!

I just switched to floorp from firefox, it's so nice to finally have another choice for a non-chromium browser with a reasonable number of plugins

Floorp is built on Firefox and was built in Japan and is a new browser with excellent privacy & flexibility.

There's something really funny about that sentence. I think it's because it reminds me of "remember Akira? That's from Japan."

As A Vivaldi user since day one, I gave it up once I couldn't take anymore of Googles/Chromium bull hockey. I'm just so done supporting a company like that. Firefox switch wasn't easy, but after the first week I got used to it and I'm never going back to Chromium browser. Anyone can switch if you actually care enough.

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I have Vivaldi on my android but I do not know how to get adblock working. Is it even possible?

Firefox mobile has Ublock Origin and works great. Even on YouTube.

Menu -> Settings -> Tracker and Ad Blocking -> Block Trackers and Ads

Thanks. I quickly tried it on YouTube and did get an ad. So I guess it doesn't work on those. Bummer.

Edit. Tried it some more and did not get any more ads. It takes a little to get the video playing but other that 10/10. No ad experience. Awesome.

it has an adblocker but it doesn't come even close to uBlock Origin. UBO is so many tiers above any other mobile browser built-in adblocker.

(which will keep the old plugin architecture, so adblockers work).

Will they? All I remember was them saying that their built-in adblock (which is very barebones) would still work after Manifest v3, nothing much else.

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