Bethesda Thought It Was 'Infallible' Before Fallout 76 Launch, Says Former Design Director

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 194 points –
Bethesda Thought It Was 'Infallible' Before Fallout 76 Launch, Says Former Design Director - IGN

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It also wasn't universally hated. It came out to a pretty decent reception. Mixed with the normal response to Bethesda bugs.

76 was universally panned. Super buggy, to pvp oriented, none of the story that people wanted from fall out, over filled with bad micro transactions. It was a hollow shell, and the shell wasn't all that good looking.

It wasn't hated, but faint praise for a main release of one of your biggest IPs is pretty far from infallible. Alarms should have been going off, but they were ignored.

Stop being so disingenuous. It has an 87 on metacritic. It came out to massive acclaim.

Yes it got a full media blitz. That doesn't mean it was well received by players. You can look at the breakdown by time on steam and see significant negative reviews at release. It improved over time.

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And at the start it has 0 NPC's. The story was told through notes and computers.

There was a good bit of story in 76, though? I quite liked the storyline where you take up the mantle of a radio drama heroine after finding out what happened to the previous holders of the title and breaking into their secret lair.

Or, I dunno, does it not count as story because most of the important events have already happened? Maybe it's "lore." I had a good time with it, anyway.

If I recall correctly, most of the story and lore was added post launch

There were no NPCs at launch. Maybe some talking robots that's it, no humans.

Wastelanders update did fix that and made it more interesting. Still has that shitty rng card based skill system.

it's RNG at first but after level 50 you can select new Perk cards and make your build whatever you want.

The problem with 76 isn't even the story to me, I thought it was decent, it's the lack of endgame content. I love the fallout world, and have around 1300 hours into 76, but I don't play anymore because there's nothing worth doing.

On the contrary, I think it was by far the most beautiful Fallout game. It wasn't just green and brown and had gorgeous scenery instead.

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