Netanyahu: Defeating Hamas will make prophecy of Isaiah a reality to World – 279 points –
Netanyahu: Defeating Hamas will make prophecy of Isaiah a reality

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You can't defeat hamas militarily. They are a terrorist group, they want to be attacked as viciously as possible, because that creates more recruits for them.

Its been proven time and time again and yet every single time these old fucking cranks do not understand that.

Hey, as long as it distracts Israel from his judicial problems and his role in allowing Hamas to rise, it's all good for him.

It is fascinating to me that no one is asking what outcome Hamas was looking for after these attacks. Is no one concerned that Israel is doing EXACTLY what Hamas must have expected them to do? They almost certainly had a plan and doing exactly what the other side expects means your going along with that plan. Hamas had to have known this is what would happen, so this happening is giving them what they wanted: An Israel that is rapidly losing its international mandate while committing atrocities against civilians on center stage in front of the whole world.

Hamas, following in the steps of the 9/11 attack which caused the USA govt to go into violent idiot mode so the rest of the world would despise it. The only winners in the attacks on civilians are Likud and Hamas, who get more powerful against citizens.

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You are enjoying your peace through two fucking world wars. Deal with it.

Cannot with military my ass.

Ah yes, world War 1, where we quickly and efficiently crushed the Bosnian Serb uprising without causing any further problems which is why the Austria-Hungarian empire is still so prevalent today.

Disarming and humbling the central powers worked so well that we didn't have any second world war afterward

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Come on! Vietnam (both French- and US-versions), Afghanistan (both Russian- and US-versions), Korean war etc

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