The most powerful man in the House doesn't like divorce

Flying to politics – 382 points –
The most powerful man in the House doesn't like divorce

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Einstein was wrong. Time travel has to be possible. I came here expecting ppl to pile onto the guy. Instead, I get debates about divorce like it was 1855!

You Americans are a wild bunch, I tell ya.

And to the people about to comment that I should not inject myself into debates into U.S. politics as foreigner: I'll stop that the moment this community gets renamed to USpolitics.

'Murican here. Given that our politics are absolutely fucked, I'd say keep the constructive foreign insight coming.

Of course, the moment the constructive criticism is only coming from the outside will be when it gets labeled as foreign manipulation to further cement tribalistic mentality and provide fresh out-groups to hate and fear.

I only see one guy against divorce and they're heavily down voted.

Yeah, but the fact that people actually enter into arguments with the guy tell me that there are debates held about this at all.... which is nuts!

A debate, to me implies two rational actors presenting their viewpoints and then defending them with facts. That guy has done nothing more than say it's wrong then refuse to elaborate so again to me, it can't be considered a debate any more than convincing a child to eat it's dinner would be considered one.

It does America no good to constantly have our heads so far up or collective rectum that we forget the are 190ish other countries with different, often successful ideas. But we have grown up being taught American exceptionalism and manifest destiny - I remember sections of our history book titled the same and it was either presented without critique or the critique was subtle enough that it went over our heads.

I'm just explaining that quite a lot of us believe we are literally the best country in the world and dismiss other countries without thought. Ironic that we call ourselves a melting pot of the best of every culture. Anyway, it's useful to have people come in and go, "y'all are a bunch of nutbags." Because we are, and perhaps we are exceptional in that way.

community gets renamed to USpolitics.

You can stop doing that now. You don't need to wait to other people accommodate your threats.

Wow yeah must be a surprise to learn that a nation of over 280 million people from diverse backgrounds don’t share the exact same opinion on a topic. Crazy that our social media platforms doesn’t act as an echo chamber serving to reinforce your beliefs in particular…

Oh, I don't, yet there are those opinions that should not be divisive. Like "You should not murder people" or "you should not force people to stay together because trapping them in their misery will make feel you better"