How do poor people in the states give birth without money? to No Stupid – 398 points –

I’m Canadian. And I’m already sorry for asking an ignorant question.

I know you have to pay for hospital visits in the states. I know lower economic status can come with lower access to birth control and sex education. But then, how do they afford to give birth? Do people ever avoid hospital visits because they don’t feel like they can’t afford it?

Do hospitals put people on a payment plan? Is it possible to give birth and not pay if you don’t have the means? How does it work in the states?

How does it all work?

Again. Canadian. And sorry.


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Question to Americans, is it a secret way to make poor people not have children?

No. The rich want poor people to crack out kids to fill up the military and create downward salary pressure on the working class.

Not to mention, being poor usually means poorly educated which means easily manipulated by the corporate media.

That's a steady supply of cannon fodder for a couple decades.

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No I think it's the opposite. They expect people to get pregnant and have kids (though with abortion and birth control that is happening less- hence targeting those recently). This is designed to make sure they stay poor so that the wage slave class stays well populated.

If it is, it's a bad one lol. Poor people tend to have more kids, just in general, and that doesn't change in the states.

Actually it's easier to pay hospital bills when you're poor. You either go to a non-profit hospital and ask for charity, where they'll wipe your bill clean if you make too little, or you just don't pay the bill. What's bankruptcy if you're too poor to have credit anyways?

what about a midde class person? someone that makes enough to be able to pay 20k, but meaning that would be their savings

The actual middle class generally has a job that gives health insurance which will pay for it almost entirely. If you don't, you're probably not middle class unfortunately

You're describing what people used to think "middle class" meant. These days, we all know that health insurance doesn't cover nearly as much as you want it to. Costs have skyrocketed in the last few years, let alone decades.

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