YouTube's ‘War’ on Adblockers Shows How Google Controls the Internet

👍Maximum Derek👍 to – 956 points –
YouTube's ‘War’ on Adblockers Shows How Google Controls the Internet

Another great article from 404 Media highlighting the power that the tech giants have amassed over how how we use the internet.

This brings me, I think, to the elephant in the room, which is the fact that Google has its hands on quite literally every aspect of this entire saga as a vertically integrated adtech giant.

This extreme power over the adtech and online advertising ecosystem is one of the subjects of an FTC antitrust suit against Google.


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The entitlement is crazy on lemmy.

Google doesn’t owe you anything, video hosting is extremely expensive. There’s a reason no competitor exists.

How dare they charge to deliver you a service?

I get what you mean, but I just don't care. I'll stop using YouTube if I can't use it with adblockers.

The reason there is no competitor is that YT was intentionally run at a loss for years to quench all other video hosting platforms and establish a monopoly.

Alternatives do exist but they are irrelevant because the vast majority of content is now being uploaded to the biggest platform. Which is precisely in accordance to YT's plan.

THANK YOU, finally, I was wondering when someone was going to stick up for the billionaire tech giants. do these stupid fucking lemmings realize that yachts don't pay for themselves??

video hosting is extremely expensive

Year over year I'm pretty sure the cost has only gone down.

TBF 4k and higher resolutions are more common but it's generally not nearly as expensive as it once was.

The cost for 1TB has gone down, the total cost is going up because of the crazy amounts of uploaded content. Youtube is getting more and more expensive.

Storage cost has gone down. Bandwidth costs are way up.

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