The more you know.

The to Lemmy – 494 points –

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Politics is all about the distribution of the legitimate use of violence. It's where governments get their authority from, it's a part of every political ideology. The real question is what is the violence for, where is it directed, and who's doing it? The status quo under neoliberalism is incredibly violent but that doesn't seem to bother you. What's up with that?

It's because under the neo liberal the violence is very often indirect which is part of the design. Like there's not official policy dictating the homelessness people be killed they just die on the streets and the typical neo lib won't give a shit. They just believe that state violence against those in poverty is the natural order and they can just wash their hands of it.

This is some freeman of the land or whatever shit lmao


Because it sounds similar to what they say

I mean it's a pretty standard and very brief summary of political power dynamics so I guess someone somewhere in the sov cit movement has probably said something like that at some point. Fascists, liberals, communists, anarchists, and whatever other politocal ideology you can think of has stated this in some fashion. It's extremely basic political theory

Yeah I saw a video where someone tried that in court lol

Theory isn't going to get you out of your DUI. It's a framework for building and applying ideologies. Spend 5 minutes in a pol sci 101 class and you'll probably hear it there too. Sov cits are wack as shit and have more in common with classic liberalism, mercantilism and methamphetamine induced psychosis than they do any serious political framework. Their entire argument is based on British common law and archaic maritime laws lol

Well no shit it isn't going to get you out of anything lol

What's your point?

I was agreeing with you that it's not going to get you out of DUI, which I thought was a foregone conclusion

Yes. Killing innocent individuals eating a fast meal is totally 100% legitimate.

Sure, if that's how you want to engage with a legitimate attempt to discuss revolutionary politics with you, go ahead. God forbid people try to have a good faith conversation about divisive topic on the internet, silly me for giving you the benefit of the doubt. Get fucked, lib. Is that what you wanted me to say?

Bro there's a thing called opening hours

Unless you live in a place with 24/7 Mecces. Then just call a bomb threat or have someone pull the fire alarm. In Minecraft, of course.

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