MAGA and Christian nationalism: Bigger threat to America than Hamas could ever be to politics – 739 points –
MAGA and Christian nationalism: Bigger threat to America than Hamas could ever be

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People actually think hamas is a threat to the USA?

I think the risk is more in the way of Hamas getting recruits in the US and inciting terrorist acts here.

That said it’s a vague possibility compared to the certainty that christofascists will absolutely incite terrorist and insurrectist acts.


Have, done, continue to do terrorist attacks.

It's like people forgot all the men, women and children McVeigh and Nichols killed. And just ignore all that came after. They fucking assassinated Dr Tiller, at his church on a Sunday morning. As he filled duties as an usher. Simply because they didn't view him as the right kind of Christian. The assassin is still celebrated to this day in their circles.

My mom gave me a couple boxes of bullets because she's worried about Hamas.

Hamas is not the threat I'm worried about, but I'm happy to have more ammo all the same.

our moms are very different

My mom is sweet and is a good grandmother, but politically she's completely brainwashed and driven by irrational fear. I'm genuinely glad your mother hasn't fallen for the same shit.

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