I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me.

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to News@lemmy.world – 768 points –
I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me.

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The non tinfoil hat group should develop a secret sign, like a manager telling a runner on first to steal, so you do not have to suffer fools.

Like ear tug, ear tug, nose scratch, and then adjust your belt. I want credit if you use this one 😂

Something like “Hey… where can I buy books that align with common core?”

The reaction for that one should do it

I don't get it?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe common core refers to the core standards of knowledge & skills that the government requires in public education.

Yes, but mostly people relate it to math because it teaches kids to solve problems, not just find the right answer. One thing common core math teaches is how to count in groups of 5. You have to show your work in elementary school to get full credit and even if you get the right answer, you could get 0 points because you didn’t solve the problem as required. Conservatives hate this because it makes them use their brain.

One of those things I hear people rail against as being big government indoctrination and/or something something Obama.

The sign is silence when the weirdos get going with the face of "I am letting you talk because I am concerned if I don't you might attack me in the parking lot but rest assured I am thinking about something else"

You know the tin foil hat people are going to pick up on this and think it's all a conspiracy.