Donald Trump's colossal admission during trial to – 372 points –

Legal analysts say Trump admitted that the intent in financial representations he made was to convince lenders to loan him money.


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Hope they got paid up front...

Narrator: “they didn’t.”

(Which really goes to show how incompetent they are.)

Only people Trump ever paid on time, or at all, was businesses connected to the Russian Mob.

exactly. which is why competent lawyers are staying away. Even moderately incompetent ones would demand payment upfront.

Only lawyers willing to take up trumps case, are people who think the fame of being associated with him will benefit them in the future.

Which says all you need to know about their intellectual capacity.

It’s reached a point where now I’m instantly skeptical of any lawyer who starts going on the news circuit while a case is on-going - they’re looking for fame, not to talk about the case.

They’ll capitalize on their 15 minutes of MAGA fame and write a book or run for office or whatever.

People keep saying this but honesty if you dont have anything going for you... Why not do it for free?

I know bugger all about law but surely everyone will know you in the profession, and if you mange to do anything close to a good job, then you get some kind of credibility from it?

Seems like a yolo opportunity for anyone wanting to make a name for themselves.

Ahh the good old “exposure “ argument.

It’s refreshing seeing it applied to lawyers instead of artists.