Joe Biden wants to complete his goals on civil rights, taxes, and social services if he's reelected to politics – 298 points –
Joe Biden wants to complete his goals on civil rights, taxes, and social services if he's reelected

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Ya. Ignore the genocide. And the strong history if being against gay marriage and abortion. And the doing nothing to address the codification of Roe v Wade. And the standing against cannabis legalization so we can keep jails full of peaceful poor people.

Why would anyone have reservations against voting for that guy.

And the doing nothing to address the codification of Roe v Wade

What exactly do you think the president can do about that?

He is the leader of the nation.

I dont know, lead your party, address the nation, inspire the people.

You know, the same way Obama made Obama care happen.

Instead Biden hid under a rock for 3 years before comin' out blazing to keep a genocide going and campaign for reelection.

hid under a rock for 3 years

I happen to enjoy not seeing multiple deranged tweets at 2 am from the president that cause nothing but chaos.

In a similar vein, I happen to enjoy a president fighting to push forward infrastructure and green energy funding despite a 0-vote majority and two wolves-in-sheeps-clothing included in that.

Fuck, I don't need to be reminded of that trauma...I enjoy the fact that he has a contractual obligation to solely use his dumb Twitter clone

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You know, the same way Obama made Obama care happen.

... Obama made Obamacare happen based on an overwhelming election victory leading to a (tenuous and temporary) 60-vote majority which allowed him, over the course of months of negotiation to deliver an extremely watered down version of just his main campaign promise, the one, focused policy that he unambiguously emphasized more than any other policy.

I don't say this as condemnation of Obama. I say this as 'what the fuck do you think Biden is working with in comparison'? What's his one goal that he should be working towards? What's his supermajority? What did his election victory look like? Approval numbers?


So if Biden can't do shit because of congress, why will Trump be able to do anything?

We have troves of proof that Red congresspeople are only able to cannibalize themselves and smear shit on the walls of the Capitol.

If a US president can't achieve anything because of congressional incompetence, why is Trump even a threat?

Jesus idjit. Use your brain for once in your life.

So if Biden can't do shit because of congress, why will Trump be able to do anything?

Because the GOP wants to do fucking dogshit things. Did you miss the whole "2017-2021" period or fucking something? 'Obamacare' was within one vote of being repealed, and only survived because a cancer victim had a last-minute crisis of fucking conscience.

You know, the same way Obama made Obama care happen.

This is a fantastic example. Obama started the term with 60 senators, and Obamacare was the most left thing they could pass. To get them better policy, they needed more senators so they could bypass the Manchins.

Except, voters were apathetic. So Democrats lost big time. It led to gridlock in Congress and solidified a status quo where you had to compromise with Republicans to get anything to happen.

And voters were apathetic about that. And Trump was elected.

The way we make Obamacare and better happen are crushing Republicans in the polls. Not bemoaning how things could be better. Because staying home has only made this country move further and further right.

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And the strong history if being against gay marriage and abortion.

And following this "strong history", I'm sure he appointed a pro-life Justice to the Supreme Court and vetoed the Respect for Marriage Act.

Oh wait, no he didn't.

And the doing nothing to address the codification of Roe v Wade

Please identify the pro-choice majority in Congress that you're apparently confident existed at some point since January 2021. I'll wait.

And the standing against cannabis legalization so we can keep jails full of peaceful poor people.

Biden actually pardoned all federal convicts of marijuana possession. You can apply online at this link if you know anyone. He also began the process for re-classifying marijuana as Schedule III, though there's a lot of bureaucracy to get through so that's slow.

Because Trump will definitely not support Israel and be very supporting of LGBT+ people, abortion and drug legalization.

All of that definitely sounds like Trump. Who is also not a Nazi.

Because the alternative is Fascism.

"Second worst to fascists" isn't the win Democrats seem to think it is.

He is fascist too.

Neo-progressives are fascist too.

America has once again reached the end of its "lesser evil" rope, and its just 2 fascist mobs screaming at each-other.

I mean this honestly, and not attacking you in any way. But I'm incredibly intrigued as to how you believe The Biden administration is fascist as well. And again I'm coming from a place of just wanting to understand, not attacking you.

Fascism is when I don't like foreign policy, and the more foreign policy I don't like, the fascist-r it is.

You need to quit fucking lying.

I'm dead ass speaking truth.

You need to break your conditioning.

Bullshit. Objective reality exists, and Biden isn't a fascist. You are not entitled to make shit up.

More to the point, you are not entitled to spread fascist propaganda (your concern trolling is obviously designed to help Trump). You are anti-American scum and you are not welcome here, or anywhere.

Biden has adopted key plays from the fascist handbook and you are not allowed to ignore that.

How many times do I need to clarify?

My vote goes to neither, and I won't allow you to take my truth from me to say I support someone I don't.

The 2 party system is critically failing all of us, and I am done supporting it. EITHER SIDE.

I put my stat into the "fuck man, I'm disenfranchised" bucket.

Stop being like a fascist and misrepresenting my truth in the light of your owner.

Biden has adopted key plays from the fascist handbook

This is pure bullshit.

How about you ignoring Trump and co openly proclaiming that they want to do away with democracy and actually taking concrete steps to do so? Do you think that's a better alternative or do you just want to sit on your hands and say "oh well"

Biden has adopted key plays from the fascist handbook and you are not allowed to ignore that.

I can't help but notice you didn't actually list any.

If you don't vote against fascism, you're a motherfucking fascist. End of.

When Trump's jackbooted thugs drag you off to the camps, I hope you finally realize what a dipshit you've been before the end.

Why would anyone have reservations against voting for that guy.

You think voting for Trump or not voting will help those issues?

I think not voting for fascists takes the wind out of fascist sails. Yes.

You think actual fascists give a shit about your vote?

Actual fascists, historically, work to strongly depress voter turnout, because the illegitimization of democracy is a core component of the ideology.

In a two-party, winner-take-all system, not voting will just help Trump. Trump will be detrimental to your cause compared to Biden.

There's no cause here. Only dissatisfaction spun into a sense of disaffected superiority.

Yeah, nothing like taking your dissatisfaction to the next level with a second Trump presidency.

Don't worry, they'll just use the opportunity to say "Well, the Democrats won't be any better. I'll just not vote in the Trump Dynasty Monarchy Referendum"

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