Microsoft will let users uninstall Edge, Bing, and disable ads on Windows 11 as it complies with the Digital Markets Act to – 2358 points –
Microsoft will let users uninstall Edge, Bing, and disable ads on Windows 11 as it complies with the Digital Markets Act

First RCS now this, today has been wild


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Omg, I can't believe this is happening !!

Today when I updated Windows11, I got copilot and we were discussing how it's unacceptable to not let me uninstall Microsoft Edge, well I was, Copilot was just chilling it, but it did agree eventually

But this is only happening in Europe, which means Microsoft didn't suddenly turn pure hearted, it's just the law forcing them into it ....

Yeah this isn't as good as it sounds, the other 5 continents are still stuck with all of this garbage.

If they don't make it international, they're asking for piracy

They’ll just enable/disable features based on geolocation. I doubt it’ll be a whole different version like in the good old days.

If that's the case then a determined user could enable these hidden features via Powershell, only time will tell

Yup, but then you’ll still have the same frustration we have now, running the script every time there’s a feature update and the bloat gets reinstalled. If it wasn’t for games and work I’d be using nothing but macOS and Linux.

If it wasn’t for games and work I’d be using nothing but macOS and Linux

same , although I don't play games...

And I'll never use Apple products, one abuser ( Microsoft ) is enough for me

I used to be super anti-apple but now buy MacBooks for the longevity. Less ewaste. Over time actually more cost effective. My daily driver is a nearly 9 year old MacBook that I replaced the battery on 2 years ago. Still getting official updates too. My father laid out twice the price of it for a high end XPS machine in 2019 and it died inside 5 years. Apple actually fix manufacturing issues without a huge amount of fuckery like HP/dell. I can’t speak to iPads and iPhones but Macs just last longer so end up being cheaper in the long run.

Skill issue, what's stopping other countries from creating better laws?

The problem is that showing enough politicians money effectively makes you become the government. There's minimal chance of a law being introduced unless a rich person or corporation backs it, and EU laws would interfere with their shady business practices.

Not big enough to force companies to make large changes. The US is, China and India are. But what about Australia or New Zealand? Or any of the individual south american countries? Too many changes, microsoft or one of the other big players will just pull out of the market, or threaten to pull out.

If they already have a version compatible with EU law, they will just roll it out instead of removing an entire country from their market.

Would be a bad business move otherwise.

Of course, only if the laws don't force even more restrictions.

will just pull out of the market, or threaten to pull out.

That would be wonderful. They would no longer be able to enforce their patents in countries they don't trade in; GNU/Linux users worldwide will have (patent infringing) access to the Australian/NZ version of whatever

It would suck for the games I play that need windows, but it would also give more incentive to those to port them to Linux

Valve only started doing 2-hour refunds after Australia twisted their arm about it. They brought it to the world, and it became an incredible selling point. Perhaps this will be the same thing.

Valve is a lot more consumer friendly to begin with, though. Don't get me wrong, they did heaps of bad things too, but compared to Microsoft?

I'm not gonna hold my breath on this one

I was going to say, this sounds fantastical in some places.

I got Dev Home on my home rig. Swifly executed the powershell command to uninstall thr sYsTeMs aPp.
Fuck off MS.

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