Tanzania confirms student abducted by Hamas is dead

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 165 points –
Tanzania confirms student abducted by Hamas is dead - I24NEWS

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They can’t really help Israel killing hostages in airstrikes.

How about not fucking kidnapping people and taking them hostage? "Oh we can't help if people die while we keep them imprisoned in our hospital fortress while we keep shooting thousands of rockets at Israel." Fucking ridiculous

I'm not defending their actions, but under their circumstances it isn't surprising they behaved how they did.

I'm not defending their actions, but under their circumstances it isn't surprising Israel behaves how they do.

It’s almost as if it’s a cycle of violence. Maybe both parties could make some progress towards peace if they’d just stop killing each other’s children.

Yup. Alternatively build a giant wall to separate them so they cannot hurt each other for a few generations and then try again.

Then there's a "fuck around and find out" kinda thing happening, no?

Israel shouldn't stop until every member of Hamas and Hezbollah are dead. The people of Iran and Palestine would do well to put them in the crosshairs.

I too think killing babies is justified

You just can't hold Hamas accountable, it's all Israel's fault for using force. Somehow it's not Hamas' fault for committing the act of terrorism and war crimes that lead to this situation in the first place. It's like blaming someone for shooting a home invader who planned to rape and kill your family. It's not the homeowners fault they had to shoot them, it's the rapist/murderer's fault for being there.

That being said Israel's government is just as violent and bloodthirsty as radical islam, they're just supported by the West due to Zionism and the idea that "might makes right" means the Israelis are able to commit any atrocity and get away with it because they're "gods chosen people."

What bullshit, fuck the both of them. Abrahamic religions have been holding humanity back for thousands of years.

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the only way

lmfao why did they attack

Why did they murder, rape, and kidnap? Because they're terrorists. That's what terrorists do.

So it has nothing to do with the thousands of Palestinians held as political prisoners, the hundreds that Israel had murdered just this year prior to October 7th, or the well-documented and internationally condemned acceleration of illegal settlement creation and expansion? They just hate Israel’s freedom? Is that it?