Surveillance footage shows Hamas bringing hostages into Shifa Hospital on Oct. 7 to World – 186 points –
Surveillance footage shows Hamas bringing hostages into Shifa Hospital on Oct. 7

The Israel Defense Forces releases surveillance camera footage from Shifa Hospital showing Hamas terrorists bringing a Nepali and Thai citizen who were abducted from Israel on October 7 to the medical center.


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well this community suddenly became very quiet.

Israel's right wing is a bunch of genocidal monsters who are just as evil as Hamas but much better funded.

Happy now?

At least you are now equating Hamas to Israel in terms of morality instead of glorifying them, so that's progress

So collateral damage is just as bad as putting a baby inside an oven?

Where is that baby In oven video you're talking about? Unless it's a video there's no way I'm trusting IDF faked phone calls.

Some Israeli "colonist" said it happened so it must be true...

i didn't know israel is beheading people with garden hoes :o

You think little children dying as their blood drains away with their limbs blown away, or their life slowly fadding as their bodies are crushed by the rubble of what moments ago was their home or being burn through till their internal organs fail in complete total panic by a piece of burning white phosporous whose fire they cannot stopped, from a round that hit their schoolyard, is any better?!

Is them being arabic-speaking muslims that makes their horrible deaths acceptable in your eyes, even while the deaths of jewish hebrew speaking children are not?!

It's really hard to see any other reason than the most disgustingly extreme psychopatic racism for somebody to justify the horrible murder of children using the murder of other children by people whose only relation is being from the same ethnic group.

You think little children dying as their blood drains away with their limbs blown away, or their life slowly fadding as their bodies are crushed by the rubble of what moments ago was their home or being burn through till their internal organs fail in complete total panic by a piece of burning white phosporous whose fire they cannot stopped, from a round that hit their schoolyard, is any better?!

Yes. It is fucking weird that you don't.

Well, at least you openly admit you think one kind of horrible deaths for children is better than a different kind.

That's pretty honest for a sociopath.

Literally everyone thinks some kinds of deaths are better than others. Dying slowly and painfully due to someone's maliciousness is generally considered among the worst.

You're weird for trying to make this some sort of gotcha.

Literally only people very high in the sociopath end of the spectrum would think one gruesome kind of child murder justifies a different kind of gruesome child murder, to the point of using one to justify the other in an argument genuinelly believing other human beings will be swayed by that.

People in the normal human range within the sociopathy spectrum neither think "an eye for an eye" applies to the murdering of children - no matter the method used - nor think other people can be swayed to accept child murder by pointing out that child murders were commited by people only related to the former children by etnicity.

In fact normal people don't even think one kind of child murder justifies the other kind of child murder even when the latter children have direct family relations to the murderers of the former.

You need to be quite the sociopath to merelly think somebody murdering children justifies killing their kids, and you need to be extremelly sociopathic to think somebody murdering children justifies killing kids of the same etnic group.

People whose psychological makeup is such that they trully believe child murder justifies child murder and, worse, that others think the same, need professional help, deseperatelly so.

Literally only people very high in the sociopath end of the spectrum would think one gruesome kind of child murder justifies a different kind of gruesome child murder,

A) this is quite incorrect

But more importantly

B) I never said anything justified anything

Perhaps engage with just a shred of intellectual honesty and good faith

Then what is the difference.

That question doesn't make any sense.

It does. You're saying one civilian death is different than another. So name that difference.

Dying badly is worse than not dying badly

Would you rather die in hospice or by being fed to a wood chipper?

Shit's not complex bro you're just a crazy person

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So you're a believer in untermensch? Amusing conflict to casually bring that up for.

Dude be real lol

Ok then why do you believe one civilian dying a torturous death is different than any other?

Because I have a functioning brain.

That's not an explanation bud that's a very obvious very pathetic dodge. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you won't explain it because it's almost certainly very bigoted.

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It really hasn't, it's generic un geolocated video yet again and Israel is known to fake video. At the same time it's not at all proof of their nonsense claims.

Waiting on their bosses for the right propaganda response

There's a bunch of pro Palestinian accounts that all only post comments about the war and joined about the same time (not at Reddit API influx). The mods should ban clear propaganda accounts

I think mods should ban any account that argues points without reputable sources to back their claims. The amount of "they bombed hospitals" without evidence is pretty staggering.

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