USB worm unleashed by Russian state hackers spreads worldwide to – 283 points –
USB worm unleashed by Russian state hackers spreads worldwide

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"the malware is written in the Visual Basic Scripting language." is where I stopped 😹 lol at least we know the Russians are suffering.

Are they? Because if the worm is successfully spreading... 🤷

It's funny, though..

They're Russians. There's no situation where they aren't suffering.

They’ve been exporting their suffering to Ukraine the last few years as well.

As a non programmer, isn't visual basic for Excell scripts?

No you can run any .vbs script standalone

I’m not following. VBScript seems like the right tool. Why would they use something else? They’re generally light years beyond US defense capabilities so there’s a real dearth of suffering on their side.

Now if the joke is that they’re suffering because they have to use VBScript, I can get behind that

WScript.Echo "Just saying if I was invited onto a team intent on wreaking havoc upon our enemies, I would probably quit after 100 lines of calling windows apis in VBScript" & vbNewLine

tbh I think VBScript is more pleasant to write than C in many cases

Nothing wrong with that! VB isn't fundamentally bad, I'm just accustomed to C family langs

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