The "Kyivska Rus" strike drone has a flight range of 700 km at 140 km/h with a 16 kg payload, and has successfully hit targets in Moscow. to – 187 points –



UAV that flew to Moscow and hit the target!

The First Contact company from Chernihiv has been developing drones since 2014, and created the "Kyivska Rus" strike drone.

The UAV was developed to deliver a "payload" over long distances.

The system consists of an aircraft and a control platform.

The drone has a flight range of 700 km. at a speed of 140 km/h. It can work at temperatures from -10 to +40 degrees.

It can carry a payload of up to 16 kg.

The UAV is equipped with a gasoline engine with a capacity of up to 12 horsepower, a tank of 20 liters.

The maximum take-off weight with fuel is 50 kg.


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Care to elaborate?

Because spending a trillion-plus per year on our own wars wasn't enough to satiate the greed of American war profiteers. Now, we pay for other countries' wars too.

So you‘re telling me, you had universal healthcare before Russia attacked Ukraine? I’m pretty sure you already had a fucked up healthcare system before. Don’t blame others for the shit you’ve done to yourself..

It's not our job to solve Ukraine's problems, especially when we have so many of our own that need to be addressed.

Except the US promised to defend Ukraine when it gave up its nukes to Russia. So yeah, it is literally our job. Don't promise things you don't follow up on if you don't want it to be your responsibility

The US enjoys it's status in the world due to being an exporter of security for many other countries.

In turn these countries focus on the US, choose US products over others giving the US an enormous trade advantage. Especially because it also incentivises others to purchase US military hardware.

The amount "spent" on Ukraine is peanuts as the bulk is in material support in products that the US government purchases from US companies, made by US workers in US factories.

On top of that the US is investing in this war as it will allow them to reduce future presence in Europe and focus on the Pacific theatre.

I would not be surprised if the current help would be a net gain for the US.

Keep in mind that the ATACMS they sent where near end of life and that meant your tax dollars would be needed to either dispose of or upgrade them. Giving them to Ukraine disposes of them for free, gaining goodwill AND damaging a geopolitical rival.

Pretty confident this is Ukrainian engineering and building. Not American.

Also, fuck off with the “we pay for other countries wars” when Ukraine was literally attacked in nothing more than a land grab. Help or shut the fuck up.

Furthermore it's an investment. It's lend-lease which has to be paid back by Ukraine. This essentially means that Ukraine will be USA's little bitch for a loooong time.

I will give astronomical amounts of my money to help Ukraine, but I don’t want them to be our bitch. I want a good regional ally. I want a regional partner with stability. I want them to be able to fight for themselves. They’re people and their own country.

I didn't say all Americans wants to fuck up the world. I just stated the obvious: The US supporting Ukraine with weapons has nothing to do with charity. It's a lend-lease. Eventually it has to be paid back. Before the debt is paid off Ukraine will do as USA wishes.

Not to mention the treaty we signed with Ukraine in exchange for them turning over their nukes.

This isn't true, lend-lease wasn't used, Ukraine is not paying back the assistance that was given so far. It could be authorized and used later, but hasn't been so far

It's only an investment for war profiteers, as always. If you're not invested in Raytheon, it's just lost value for your taxes.

Lost value for your taxes? Essentially Ukraine borrowed Americans tax money to buy weapons made in American factories where American workers get a monthly salary which they spend in American stores often buying American made products.

Sounds like American tax payers are benefiting and will continue benefit quite much from the lend-lease to Ukraine

4 more...\_dilemma

The idea that the only options are defense spending or universal healthcare is a fallacy. It's a false choice. Common in propaganda.

In reality most (if not all) developed countries spend significantly LESS on healthcare than America. So if anything, having (near) universal healthcare would leave MORE money to spend on war.

In other words, America doesn't need to choose between military spending and universal healthcare. Certainly, you don't need to choose between supporting Ukraine (which might as well be a rounding error) and healthcare. America can choose to support Ukraine, maintain a huge defense budget, have universal (and superior) healthcare, and SAVE money.

The reason you don't have universal healthcare, isn't defense spending.

It's partly corporate greed and corporate influence.

It's partly an ideological choice.

It's partly American voters, voting against their own interests, because they've been lied to. Like you've almost certainly been lied to about healthcare.

Perhaps ask yourself who stood to gain from you thinking this was a binary choice.

Yeah, these are the usual excuses we hear, but I can look just to the north of us and see Canada, with universal health care, spending a mere 26 billion a year.

At the end of the day, enough of us support our own impoverishment, so it's never going to change.

That's the point. If the US could get spend less on healthcare, and get universal healthcare at that lower cost, then what does the amount being spent on the Ukraine war have to do with healthcare?

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