Why do all the new TVs expect me to have a platform AS WIDE as the fucking thing?? Fucking shit!! God awful absolutely dumb thoughtless design choice

_number8_@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 426 points –

luckily this is just a 32; i had a 70 from the same brand with the same INSANELY FUCKING STUPID STAND DESIGN that i had to find something for....literally at the most extreme edges of the thing, what the fuck is this? this is so fucking stupid, it cannot be meaningfully cheaper than a proper design and it looks fucking dumb as hell and surely this has pissed off 90% of people that wanted a TV and want to put it on a little stand like a normal fucking person right??


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You should be mounting in on the wall anyway. Unless you want your cat to tip it over, that is.

Ah yes the installed mount in my....apartment I rent and cannot install things into

Damn what shitty place doesn't let you mount stuff to the wall?

Pretty much none allow it in my country.

What do you do if you want to hang a picture frame? Glue it on?

They recently passed a law which said you could install picture hooks "within reason" without being penalised by your landlord. Prior to that if you installed a picture hook you'd likely be charged for the cost of re-plastering the wall when you left. Although they wouldn't actually re-plaster it, they'd just charge you as if they had and then the next renter would have a picture hook so lucky them.

But major mods like installing a TV mount are totally out unless you can negotiate it with the landlord somehow. If you did it without permission it's grounds for eviction and a loss of your bond.

come rent in Australia and find out

Do y'all not get earthquakes in Australia? I'm gonna go look that up. I'm curious.

not really, at least not most of the country. small ones sometimes

You just had a 4.8 magnitude off the coast on the 22 of November at 19:02:55 UTC. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us6000lq51/executive

On average Australia experiences about 100 magnitude 3 or higher earthquakes per year. Pull the other one. It's got bells on.

Also, you absolutely are allowed to mount furniture to the wall in Australia to prevent injury or death. This was literally a 10 seconds Google search.


that was an unnecessarily aggressive comment.

I sure love being lectured about Australia by clueless yanks though, especially when they quote laws from one state that doesn't mean shit elsewhere. and your earthquake "research" is consistent with my claim of not many, mainly small, and not everywhere. so kindly go fuck yourself

Pretty much every landlord in the world will let you hang things on the wall, so long as it's not unreasonably destructive. They're pretty much planning on doing a little spackle and painting the place when any tenant moves out anyway.

A tv mount usually only requires 4-6 screw holes, which wouldn't be hard to fix later on.

Especially in earthquake prone places like the West Coast (USA) or even like India. Even furniture should be mounted to the wall in a lot of places. If it's a health and safety issue (like flat panel tvs would be), then they absolutely will not risk going to court over it and being liable for injuries. I don't get this argument.

There are monitor arms that can be attached to a desk/table, maybe they can be adapted, or maybe there is a mount that can be mounted like this

You can get proper central tv stands that use the VESA mounts. They're great, keep the TV super stable and allows a little bit of swivel if needed too

No you should get a proper stand that mounts to the TV

That doesn't seem entirely the stands fault

Correct - if it was just the stand, and there was no cat, that TV screen wouldn't have been knocked over.

But... OP has a cat. He's in the picture.

I'm pretty certain it's more to do with what the strand was put on. Feels like no matter what could've been done that shit was wobbly regardless, or that the front of the stand was overhanging it. If the stand was down firmly there's no way touching any part of it would've made the tv tip forward.

Don't underestimate cats. Unless the base is very wide (and not just long) a cat could still knock it over, even if what it stands on is not that "wobbly". Especially if the cat gets the zoomies.

But if the base was flat and not overhanging, how can going on the base make the rest wobble over? Doesn't matter how heavy a thing you put on the base it should not do that

Cat can still run around the house like the maniac devil he is and slam into it.