Court rules Gabe Newell must appear in person to testify in Steam anti-trust lawsuit to – 654 points –
Court rules Gabe Newell must appear in person to testify in Steam anti-trust lawsuit

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"Objection, this has nothing to do with the case."

"Overruled, the public needs to hear this"

“It has already been released. It has been released for thousands of years. Humanity simply needs to reach a point of true understanding to see it.”

Gabe disappears in a flash of light.

They'll never release HL3. They are not a developer anymore. They are just a game store/directory. HL3 has been overhyped so much that anything released would be a disappointment. The gaming market has changed too much from when they made a game engine and released half life to showcase that game engine.

I can probably list a million more reasons why they'll never release, but those are the big points.

Half-life Alyx was HL3, just it was better to name it not HL3, because fans would lose their minds.

They are not a developer anymore. They are just a game store/directory.

CSGO 2 would like a word with you

Also the fact that they have at least one other game in development. NEON PRIME.

On the one hand, yeah. On the other hand, HL:A ended with an obvious sequel hook, and that hook was the ending of HL2:E2. Spoilers, I guess, but the game's been out for a while.

Of course, that doesn't mean another game is coming, but it does mean that HL:A doesn't mean another game isn't coming, either.