Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours to – 238 points –
Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours

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I have a friend who is obsessed with it. I asked him if it was a money laundering scheme. He agreed its the most likely situation.

I literally cannot think of a worse way to launder money then an extremely high profile public crowdfunding campaign.

Laundering? They're not even entering as investors are they, so they are not really expecting any return other that a presumably finished game at some point?

That and they release their financial reports every year...

The people in this thread are astoundingly hateful idiots that are just doing the groupthink thing to be part of a group that lets them feel "smarter than you." It's really disappointing to see this every time star citizen is mentioned, but I'll just continue to enjoy it and then welcome all these people when it's completed as they suddenly stop hating on it because it isn't fashionable anymore.

I'm convinced they made the game as a side project to their true goal of inventing dynamic server meshing.

We are talking about Chris "feature creep" Roberts here, though. The guy can't stop himself from retasking a team with yet another "immersive" thing they need to waste their time on.

So who knows. Could just be bad management, but I wouldn't put it past them to be doing this so they can license and sell the engine or something. That is, until other developers snipe their employees and use their knowledge to develop server meshing themselves.

A few of my guildmates play SC as well and they try to get other people to play, but every time an open period happens, the servers always shit the bed with instability and the play experience for the new player is awful.

It's so funny trying to hear them rationalize bad servers and inability to do basic things as just part of the experience.

to be fair, its issue is that they literally have a whole flood of people trying the game, like 70%+ is people just trying the game then

It's not like these free play periods are a surprise to them. They are in complete control of how hard their servers get pounded and when.

sure, but AWS only has so many servers ready to spin up at any one time