Businesses can discriminate against their customers? Alright then... to Malicious – 2111 points –

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Trump supporters often have manias of persecution. Wouldn't these signs feed it, though?

They'll find a way to feel persecuted regardless. So why not?

Meh, show them what real persecution is.

you're kinda proving their point with this kind of attitude

I will happily distance myself from a hateful person WAY before I distance myself from someone just for existing. Only one is an active choice.

If unreasonable exclusion of people is so harmless, these hateful people really shouldn't give a shit. I'll pick a happy person over a raging person any day.

your name is angry maple

I can also make it "Frank Beatrice". What's your point?

(Some weird things come from inside jokes that no one really needs to know)

Probably. But if they don't get it here, they'll find it elsewhere. We shouldn't change things to mollycoddle people who are constantly seeking a reason to be offended.

For all their complaining about safe spaces, they're the ones who seemingly need it the most.

Probably because reality is left-leaning.

Like their appeals to "basic biology", when actual basic biology is still trans-supportive.

They'd lose their little minds at the countless species that shift gender when necessitated by circumstance, not to mention the ones that generally propagate their line by mating with themselves. Don't even get me started about the evolutionary origins of "labyrinthine vaginas" or the necro proclivities of sea otters. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Simply put: a healthy reading habit is a great inoculation against idiocy. Critical thinking is invaluable.

edit: I'm not drawing a line between any of that, except to point out that a lack of knowledge is no foundation for loud opinions.

They are fine with parthenogenesis though, apparently.

For real, though. I hope I'm alive to see the archaeological science tech improve to the point we can finally uncover the story about that mystery baby-daddy: was he a local, and that's why they left town? Maybe he was a traveling sandal salesman (there's a lot of foot washing in that book, just sayin'), and Joseph got wind he was spotted in Bethlehem? Somebody's got that ancient tea, and I wanna sip!

The problem is that these people are stupid by design. Republicans have been cutting funding for schools all over the country for a lot of years now. They need people to be dumb or they'd never vote for them.

a lack of knowledge is no foundation for loud opinions

In my experience a lack of knowledge is the main foundation for loud opinions. Those who have more knowledge tend to be quieter, and more willing to rethink their opinions when presented with an opposing argument

Your statement falls into at least one of the many logical fallacies. Many species do many things that humans don't. Humans do many things that other species don't. It's a dishonest comparison. I don't necessarily disagree with your reasoning behind it, but there are better arguments to be made.