Not really a shitpost but I’m really enjoying lemmy to Lemmy – 538 points –

Idk how to explain it and I imagine it’s been said plenty of times by now but it’s just, way easier to engage with posts here, usually on Reddit I’d just ignore the whole commenting aspect and just scroll through media.

I like this change, it reminds me of older social media platforms I used to use that were fairly small, for instance.


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I honestly love Lemmy and the fediverse in general right now. Ever since I watched The Social Dillema or whatever on Netflix I hate doing anything on big tech social media. I feel like I'm being manipulated all the time and it makes me not wanna use the sites. But here, I just love reading everyone's post knowing that these are things I subscribed to see and is not some part of an algorithm to keep my attention as long as possible so the site can make money off of me

It’s been a very enjoyable experience, I’ve been bouncing about twitter and tumblr to try and fill that social media gap for a while now and I’m hoping this is it.

I was trying to use for a while, but it wasn't the same as reddit. I found kbin a few weeks ago, and it's everything i want it to be :)

Mastodon is the very Twitter like one right, I could never quite get used to that feeling

Yeah that social dilemma was a big eye opener. I stopped using Facebook after watching it. I would have deleted my account but my wife insists on using messenger for some odd reason.

I convinced my girlfriend to get telegram, not my preference but much better than anything Facebook related

Commenting here to remind myself to watch the social dilemma as my app doesn’t have a save feature.

Doesn’t having the same community in several instances fragment the user base though? I know I can join a community in any instance, but on Reddit you have one “gaming” subreddit, here you have a gaming community in every instance

There will emerge clear winners, I believe people will hoping the most popular communities.

But then what’s the point of having all those other redundant communities?

WIth federation, there's built in resiliency. If for whatever reason the instance hosting the largest memes community becomes unavailable (shuts down due to costs, defederated, etc.) we can just switch to a different memes community on another instance.

Plus this already was the case on reddit, you would often have the biggest mainstream sub for a hobby and then a dozen+ smaller, more specific ones. More choice is good imo, and because of how federation works it will never be hard to find the most popular version of a sub

I thought that initially as well, but consider when I search for "gaming" across the different instances I'd likely choose the largest community. Should something go awry with the hosting of that community (say, defedration from the other instances or it goes down) another will step up. It's really not so bad.

In my opinion and understanding, anyhow.

but on Reddit you have one “gaming” subreddit

I mean, you have r/gaming, r/games, r/pcgaming, whatever r/true or r/actual or r/real clones of those may have popped up and died over the years... One will eventually be "the" place, or at least all the smaller ones will all specialize on the kinds of content they want to see and go from there.

The same name community is federated across all instances. So I'm posting from but I can see /c/gaming on beehaw for example.