Comer’s Latest Biden ‘Bombshell’ Appears to Be Nothing More Than Hunter Repaying $4,000 in Car Payments

Flying to politics – 392 points –
Comer’s Latest Biden ‘Bombshell’ Appears to Be Nothing More Than Hunter Repaying $4,000 in Car Payments

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What this actually proves is that Hunter Biden made good on a loan from his father, and kept track of these repayments on an actual spreadsheet.

No wonder Republicans are so upset, this might establish a precedent that people ought to repay loans, and not just leave others on the hook for them

That’s what they already think. See student loans and Biden.

And here I thought they were for predatory loans driving people into bankruptcy but not allowing them to offload the debt unless it's a corporation.

See Biden and student loan forgiveness.

Yes. As I said to someone else, it’s all hypocritical. The republicans only care about how they serve themselves and the narrative will always be whatever helps them get what they covet.

And you think it's hypocritical that Democrats are trying to do something to help Americans struggling with student loans? Your logic is not clear.

I literally did not say that at all. I was commenting on the republican side of things.

I personally think it’s fine, and owed, to give student loan debt relief. That is not full wipe outs for everyone, it’s a helpful token that helps everyone. Businesses and wealthy always get the kickbacks but struggling people get one little bone and others throw a hissy fit.

Which paradoxically differs from how they view PPP loans. Or is it hypocritically?

It’s all hypocritical. They just want to get theirs and fuck everyone else. Whatever form that takes, well, they support it.

Student loans are, by definition, for education and education prevents conservatives.

Clearly, the Republicans must impeach Biden now. Do you know how much this could hurt Trump if "people have to pay back their debts" catches on?!!!

Not quite. Tehy want people to mostly repay loans, but clearly not rich people!!!