Woman Enters MRI Machine With a Gun, Gets Shot in Butt

ZeroCool@feddit.ch to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 743 points –
Woman Enters MRI Machine With a Gun, Gets Shot in Butt

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Cowardice. People that think they need a gun on them at all times are paranoid cowards... Which also makes them the last people who should be able to own a gun.

People shouldn't have guns. Simple as that.

Who the hell decided allowing every civilian a fully functional firearm is a good idea

People who were aware of Protestants being murdered by the King of England. People who were aware of the Salem Witch Trials. People who have seen over and over again the natural tendency of power to collect in fewer and fewer hands until there's a revolution and a bunch of bloodshed.

People who understood that power is best kept distributed. People who understood that small groups of citizens needed to have some real kind of threat against tyrannical government actors.

That doesn't mean you need to allow every psychopath have a gun, especially the ones who talk about murdering their peers or are known to torture and kill animals.

I believe well regulated militias are still relevant to this day.

Does it really work in US?

Do Americans actually enjoy healthy democracy? Do they have a say against tyrannical policies, police violence?

Look fella, if you drink too much coolaid you'll get diabetes.

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People who need guns in order to feel safe live in a shithole.

This is such a weird take, but I hear it a lot. Many of the people I work with carry and very few of them are like that.

I think there are cultural differences, though. City people are more likely to be that way, but for the more rural or country guys it's the same as me carrying a knife all the time. It's just something that's done.

Not so weird... A Knife I can understand. There are a number of uses for a knife beyond being an offensive or defensive weapon. I'm not a knife person, personally, but even I have a few to cut food, or open sealed boxes. I've seen knives used to cut bindings and they can even be used to craft art (whittling being an art form where the knife is the primary tool of choice)!

A gun? Outside of a legit, active warzone? A gun either says you're hunting, or your scared. That's it! I have all the respect for a hunter going into the forests to hunt game animals. I do love myself a burger and a steak... but in a public setting? What're you hunting? What utility is a gun in a public Walmart?

I understand it seems that way to you, but it doesn't to them. It's just kind of normal.

A coworker had a deer run in front of his truck Monday morning and it didn't die from the impact, so he shot it.

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