Americans, what are your plans if Trump wins in 2024? to Ask – 257 points –

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As a Canadian I'm not sure what I would do for the next election if it is Trump vs Biden. I can't support someone who keeps supporting Israel after their actions in the last couple of months. But Trump literally said he will jail journalist and protesters and wants to invade mexico. I also feel like Trump would support Israel too .

Yeah... I feel like one of those is significantly fucking worse than the other. Almost like one is an abhorrent thing that the president has been forced into by decades of the US being closely tied with Israel and due to a truly psychotic amount of Israeli lobbying done in the States that could completely upend the election

Then you have the other...

The dude who has said he would lock up opponents, kill migrants, jail journalists, commit crimes against his own people, sterilize Americans, kill his own people, encourages acts of violence against innocent people and the disabled, revoke democracy, install fascism and take control of the planets largest military while being directly controlled by a foreign terrorist state and who has OPENLY said he supports Bibi multiple times.

I feel like one of those is SIGNIFICANTLY FUCKING WORSE.

This isn't a "Oh both sides suck and idk what to doooooo" situation. This is the best progressive president the US has had in decades versus Orange Hitler. Getting real sick of these takes that use exactly zero brain power. Anyone who makes them are either wildly uneducated in American politics, are a bad actor/troll, are a hateful person or is a moron.

You think that Biden was forced into this? Did somebody put a gun to his head? Do you honestly believe that Bernie Sanders would've said the same things if he were president?

You think that Biden was forced into this?

Do you honestly believe that Bernie Sanders would’ve said the same things if he were president?

Yes and I think your belief that he wouldn't shows an insane lack of understanding when it comes to party politics and the power of the office of the President.

Well, it's very easy for you to make a claim like that, because it's impossible for me to disprove it, but I find it implausible. For one thing, Trump did a lot of things that people thought were impossible for a president to do.

Again, nobody held a gun to Biden's head.

The things Trump did that were impossible were crimes. He didn't do anything himself otherwise that had any impact. His party did. The house did. The Senate did. The supreme court did. He didn't do anything personally at all. The President has way less power than you seem to comprehend. They are at the whims of Congress. You must have their support to do anything. Bernie would not have that support, as much as it would be nice.

You are not painting a realistic picture of the executive office.

Also, the gun is metaphorical. It is that support I was talking about.

Republicans have been vocal in support of Israel. I mean Lindsey Graham, a major trump backer, said Israel should completely level Gaza. People criticizing Biden and acting like Republicans would not be even worse regarding Palestine are not grounded in reality.

He did support Israel and would again, honestly this isn't something that any canidate likely to win would change.

Yay America.... 🙃

If trump actually planned to cut out a penny of israels budget AIPAC would eat him up, just like they do every other politician who forgets to kiss the ring. Since they're quiet you can assume they are fine with his candidacy

As a Canadian, you should maybe think about how bad it could get for Canada if Trump is elected.

I really don't want Trump as president again . He will probably never leave office and declare any loosing elections rigged . But Biden also sucks .

I'm voting for Jill Stein or Cornel West. Both are much better choices than Trump or Biden.