Russia Tried to Weaken Democrats Ahead of 2022 Midterm Vote, U.S. Spy Agencies Say | The Kremlin’s operations likely aimed to erode support for Ukraine, according to a new report to politics – 369 points –

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Read the Conservapedia pages on Russia, Putin, and NATO sometime. The far-right is firmly pro-Putin now, and see his Russian autocracy as a model for the US to follow under Trump.

My God there are straight up lies on that page. Like the economic claims in the very first paragraph. They just don't care anymore do they?

Edit, I'm saving this for later. When I have more alcohol to properly laugh at lines like, "Russia has the most professional army in the world."

Never did, TBH. Conservapedia has been a meme since the 2000s, when it was infamous for being "Wikipedia for young-earth creationists." It's all propaganda BS, but useful as a window into what the extremist fringe is thinking.

It’s all propaganda BS, but useful as a window into what the extremist fringe is thinking.

Thinking may not be the right word here.

I didn't know about Conservapedia, but I'm not surprised something like this exists. Alternative facts and all...

I just wanted to say holy fucking shit, I didn't know Conservapedia was a thing.

And all of it sounds like it was written by a 7th grader who was being told what to type directly by Putin while his dick was in the kid's mouth.

Love that they make you login to edit.

That’s gotta be a russian troll website.

No, unfortunately not. Been around for a while. Republicans didn't like how they couldn't control Wikipedia, so they decided to make their own.

Just because it existed before doesn't mean it hasn't been co-opted.